I haven't really thought of a better way to start this IMPORTANT message, because I'm really excited.
1) I'm going away camping (at PGL so not real camping) this weekend and I get an en-suite room to myself! :D
2) I've completely finished school other than ONE exam and ONE lesson so I'm really happy!
3)Disneyland Paris in 2 weeks!
4) 10,000 ON MY IMAGINES. I ALMOST TOLD MYSELF TO STFU. Yep, I think i'm having a mental breakdown slightly.
Now, this is all really good stuff for me, but why does any of this mean anything to YOU amazing people.
This means I can update more reguluarly and start on my Zayn Malik fanfiction!! Whooooppppiiieeee. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sorry I take so long with everything and that I have been almost no existent for like a year, but school was really important, so I needed to get that out of the way.
Love you all for being so patient, but would love you more if you voted or even commented. Following doesn't matter as much to me, just hearing what you think is enough for me, but if you want to, then you can.
Thank you all for being amazing. And you will hear from me within the next week, probably :/ xxxx