
Long Overdue Kalashnikov Tip
          	When doing a dry reload, charge your rifle with your right hand, as it's more effective and less awkward than using your left.


Daily Kalashnikov Top
          Clear your rifle. It may sound stupid, A Kalashnikov never jams right? Wrong. Clean it. It will work longer than an M4 in equal conditions, but no one wants a jammed rifle at the wrong time.


so your ak47s Lil bro?


@RainbowDeagle Hmmm... Ah! VSS and AS Val are in the Spetsnaz, SVD is... sadly, like AKM, retired from Russia and she's been shipped somewhere else I don't know of ;-; RPD has long been retired from Russia, and I think he's in been sent to Iraq.
            RPK, he and RPK-74 have been sent along with me to Ukraine. And my closest sister, RPK-74M still enjoys herself in the Russian Armed Forces.


@RainbowDeagle And what about your step siblings the vss svd rpd and rpk?Where are they if you don't mind me asking