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/* psychic: *reads my mind* psychic: look, i don't know who this malik is but no one can be /that/ pure
ca — can i tell you something ?
@iconicstarr * malik stared down at the table in front of him, letting his eyes flutter shut. too much was going through his head, causing it to start to ache. he clenched his hands into lose fists in his lap. many silent moments passed and eventually, his scarred lips parted. * i.. * it was only one, simple word but he said something. yet, he didn't know what to say next so he went silent again. *
@ALLBYHIMSELF !! i know you don’t think i do , or you don’t / want / to believe that i do , but i do . you have done so , / so / much for me . more than you’ll ever know . and i know you probably don’t feel the same way but . . .
@iconicstarr * his one good eye widened slightly. malik had a hard time believing what she said. she loved him? he looked disgusting. like a monster. there was no way anyone could /love/ him. he shook his head slowly. *
akasha ran into the forest , sobbing as she entered his territory . she frantically looked around for her favorite male , her breathing growing heavy .
@iconicstarr carefully, he brought her inside and sat her down in a chair. he left the room but came back moments later with a (pretty scrappy) blanket, carefully putting it around her shoulders. then he was on the move again, getting out the last bag of tea he had stored away and starting to heat up some water so he could make it for her. he couldn't think of another way to comfort her.
akasha sniffled , trembling while following after him . she definitely needed a hug , but was too nervous to ask for one . she didn’t want to weird him out , or scare him away . so she just continued to follow him to his little barn area , shivering . she wished she could just run away with him , and never come back to town again . then again , what’s stopping her ?
@iconicstarr malik frowned softly, the look in his eyes unreadable. he was sad and upset but also angry at her parents. why would they do something like that? he swallowed and gently held her arm. he would've hugged her but would she like that? swallowing, he carefully started to lead her through the trees towards his place of residence.
* the young goddess looked at him and tilted her, her eyes filled with a questioning look asking if he was okay, before looking around the only light source was the moon shining through the window. *
@ALLBYHIMSELF "it's okay im not going to hurt you," she said in a soft tone. she gave him a soft smile before sitting down on the floor
@OfMoonlightAndStars * since the only light source was the moon, he probably looked awful creepy outlined in the dark. though, if it had been light, it'd be easier to see his hideous face. he tensed, staring at her with his only good eye. he couldn't tell if he should trust her or not. *
@poortalk * the male shook his head and then rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. it was alright. though, he rose an eyebrow in a questioning manner, as if asking if he was alright. *
/* psychic: *reads my mind* psychic: look, i don't know who this malik is but no one can be /that/ pure
/* so canonly malik is from an apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic world in which a disease either killed people or turned them into almost zombie-like creatures / cannibals and malik got bit by one but survived but some of the disease got into him and sometimes it makes him see things / hear voices. like.. it sorta makes him have psychotic break kinda things and he never remembers the stuff he does but once he woke up in a room of his farm-house and found that he had made some kinda sick shrine with a guys head in the middle of it. so yeah.. poor malik :(
“ your - your past sounds hard . i ' m - sorry . ”
@herrussianaccent it was hard for him to talk to people. especially since he hadn't done so in ages. and especially since he no longer considered himself to be a kid. he thought he was more of a monster.. or an animal. he swallowed, looking back at her after a moment.
she looked dissapointed for not having a reply , but she understood . maybe it was hard for him , she just didn ' t know and didn ' t expected anything concretely .
@herrussianaccent the boys lips parted slightly like he was going to speak but then he closed his mouth again. after a moment, he looked away and he shrugged. was she really sorry? he couldn't tell. even so.. hey didn't need her to be sorry...
ah.. you look lime a guy who'd want some guts.. ~ or.. maybe, you're one of the few who'd want a head. which one do you want? i offer both ~
@bbeloveddeath * /eyes/? he didn't want those either. he quickly shook his head again. who was this guy? did he really have all these body parts that he gave away? malik swallowed, shaking his head once more. *
hm.. not one for talking, are you? ah.. how about some eyes, then?~ i usually don't give them away, but.. if you want them... ~
@bbeloveddeath * guts? the thought made him swallow hard. it made him feel /weird/. but the mention of a head? that made him feel worse. made him think of bad things. sick things. gripping the bottom of his shirt slightly, he shook his head in a quick manner. *
you , do you want a hug ? ‘m really good at giving hugs !
@TALLESTFRIEND * after a moment of hesitation, the boy simply rose an eyebrow in a curious manner. he wanted to know /why/ this guy wanted to hug him and he hoped the other would figure that out. *
why not ? ‘m good at giving hugs , promise . look i’ll even pinky promise if you want :(
@TALLESTFRIEND * a hug? this guy was either crazy or playing some kind of joke. he looked like a /monster/. no one in their right mind would want to hug him, let alone approach him. he was so amused by the question that he snorted, almost chuckling. he shook his head. *
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