Guys Just to let you all know I don't do requests nor do advertising if you wanted me to read out books from others do it as a recommendation offer not sounds like an advertising offer. 


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 Yo! just wanted to say I dropped a new chapter, so it's my request for you to check it out and let me know + I have tried something new with my writing style


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 Uhhh is it morning where you live now ?


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 I'll see what I can do as habitual to it and most of the Ben10 authors write like this, your writing style really requires skill also mind telling me your discord ID so I can add you ?


Guys Just to let you all know I don't do requests nor do advertising if you wanted me to read out books from others do it as a recommendation offer not sounds like an advertising offer. 


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 Yo! just wanted to say I dropped a new chapter, so it's my request for you to check it out and let me know + I have tried something new with my writing style


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 Uhhh is it morning where you live now ?


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 I'll see what I can do as habitual to it and most of the Ben10 authors write like this, your writing style really requires skill also mind telling me your discord ID so I can add you ?


@SidneyIbiom ah okay well my friend thinks you're just advertising your books because that's what they thought of how you wrote you're offer word for word "If you Vote and follow you, You'll do the same" I didn't mean to offend you bro it's what they told me. But a small bit of advice Make it sound more like this "Please check out my books and send your votes and reviews"  the word you practically wrote feels like you're desperate to them that's why I asked. But anyways I already done the deed I already follow you, and vote on your story and even sent a review. Just don't do that asking favors often try and recommended your own book at your pace. 


@ALPHAFURY09TF02 bro I'm not forcing anyone to do anything 
          And I didn't ask you to force your friends to like it either ‍♀️ The general idea, is to just inform people about it. Just because you don't like romance or historical fiction doesn't mean they aren't people out there who don't which IS the point of sharing it 
          It's JUSTTT a Recommendation. Like "Hey check out my book on Wattpad." Anything wrong with that? I'm not making people do anything it's YOUR CHOICE TO I'm not holding you at gun point... Plus, I'm not a newbie I've been writing but just not on Wattpad. 


@SidneyIbiom Also Again: You're Twisting My words: ONE: I again I didn't say anything about you're being viewers and voters are fake you didn't get to understand what I'm pointing out I meant to say you can't just offer or force people to have people to read, like your books bro. 
          And TWO: There is nothing what you have offer me it was a good deal I already have voted your book and followed you but I still don't feel like forcing my friends to like your work it had be genuinely like randomly makes it more fun if you know what I mean. 
          AND THREE: it was a good OC Novel trust me I read it out looks good but not my style of reading stuff like that I'm more into AU crossover kind of stuff Bro that's  my genre more and I'm also  saying that try working on stuff like those after you work on your OC Fantasy book if it's an OC Fantasy but I feel like that's more of like a Medieval Drama type story for a Novel but If that's  you're Genre I'm not one to judge we have our own preferences and if you're a beginner writer that's a good motivation there to get people to know and like you more but I still recommend not making people to like your work and follow you and you'll return the favor and it was like what you said an Advertisement. Also just a small advice I did recommended your offer to a friend of mine they are three or five getting to well known fiction writers it was a good offer but they said that it isn't an advisable idea if you're a beginner. 


Hey there ! Sorry to intrude are you interested in a V for vote, follow for follow ? I'll vote everyone if your chapters and you'll do the same for me. Please send when, if you're interested. 


@SidneyIbiom also you're just a beginner right? 


@SidneyIbiom anyways I already done my peace it's the opinion of my friends that's bothering us just don't do it often and let it happen okay? 


@SidneyIbiom That genre is pure fantasy through is your story one or just one of those typical story medieval drama novel? 


Hey guys so I'm just here because I was messing with AI in messenger and they gave me this. 
          Prologue: Arrival on Genkai
          The stars blurred, and the ship shuddered. Bell Cranel gripped the controls tightly.
          "Grogu, hang on!" He warned.
          Grogu cooed nervously, clinging to Bell's shoulder. The ship lurched violently, throwing them off balance.
          "Hold together." Bell muttered.
          A swirling vortex engulfed the ship. Lights flashed. Grogu whimpered.
          Then, sudden silence as the ship materialized above a bustling city. Towering spires and ancient architecture stretched toward the sky.
          "Navigation system, where are we?" Bell demanded.
          Static crackled. "Unknown location... Planet called Genkai... City Structure  below called Orario..."
          Bell exchanged worried glances with Grogu.
          "What have we gotten ourselves into?" He whispered.
          Grogu's large eyes sparkled curiously.
          Anyways those who wants me to make a crossover now can make a vote!