Yoo I haven’t been on this account in so long.. I’m actually crying at how cringey I was ‍♀️‍♀️


Heyy there!! I read your post and I know what happened there. If you are already following 1K users you can no longer follow anyone because you reached the maximum following count. I hope this helped you!!! :') :) 


I already created another account tho!


Ok! Well thx!


Hello! It you haven't already noticed, I deleted a few of my stories and unpublished 1. I will be doing a redo of all the ones I deleted once I'm done with these 2 books I'm working on now. The ones I did at first weren't very good and were rushed so I'm gonna do them over. Sorry if you were reading them but when I redo them hopefully they will be better. I am a better writer then when I started out so I'm gonna redo them. Again sorry if you were reading them. Xoxo!