
hi!! i know i don’t have a whole lot of followers, so there’s not many people to announce this to, but my dear friend @Cactusperson12 is ten followers away from 600 followers on here! she writes jjba fanfics and is very talented, i would very much appreciate it if you’d follow her! if not, that’s okay, but i wanted to make this announcement anyway. also, happy valentine’s day everyone!! :)


hi!! i know i don’t have a whole lot of followers, so there’s not many people to announce this to, but my dear friend @Cactusperson12 is ten followers away from 600 followers on here! she writes jjba fanfics and is very talented, i would very much appreciate it if you’d follow her! if not, that’s okay, but i wanted to make this announcement anyway. also, happy valentine’s day everyone!! :)


@ALittleRaincloud you absolute sweetheart i didnt even see you post this-- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE SO AMAZING TO ME I APPRECIATE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART


i’m finally on winter break and can get to writing (mostly) without interruptions again! maybe i can finally update after all these months :D also, not relevant, but if you could sub to @twaddling_tate ‘s new youtube channel i’d really appreciate it! she’s gonna be making animatics, here’s the link: 
          thank you!!


Hi! I just wanted to say I’ve added art to the first chapter of my Natsuki x Yuri fic! I intend to do this for all chapters, but this is the only one for now. I will announcing this in Chapter 8, as well, just to make sure everyone knows! Speaking of Chapter 8, you can also expect that very soon. I’ve only taken one year of art classes, so please be kind in regards to my art, although, constructive criticism is welcome! Have a wonderful day, and thanks for your support. :)


I swear I proofread this. There was supposed to be a “be” in the third sentence. Welp. You get the point.