
@MariaEM1212 is one amazing girl. She's such a sweetie pie and a true friend. I love you my sweet angel :) 


I know what its like being the outcast.heck im still am.I'm very weird and crazy . many people think that I am worthless and a mistake .many people tell me to kill myself because of my mental disorders.and I self harm and I can't stop


Okay so for those who loved the OUAT Peter Pan, I just watched a preview for a new series called Heroes Reborn where the main character is none other than...............ROBBIE KAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I freaked out and was screaming and jumping in happiness because we get to see him be a good guy and have more screen time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the series to come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@ALostGirlInNeverland same when i saw it but now its over :(