this message may be offensive
It's been a really long time, it's kind of weird to me writing on this again. I'm really just here to explain why I just kind of disappeared . I really enjoyed writing here. I was able to just throw my ideas into places and I found people who really enjoyed things I did. It was an escape for me. My life is an absolute mess, I will say that. Amias isn't around anymore, I was never really told what happened. Amias was discharged and their parents hid them from me. I went to their funeral maybe a month ago. It was really beautiful in all honesty, I got to speak in front of all their family members and say goodbye properly. After Amias just disappeared I was left confused and angry. I took it out on a lot of people close to me and it ruined them. I was alone and just an asshole honestly. I got really depressed and decided I shouldn't be alive anymore. I attempted to overdose, but my brother was around. My parents took everything away from me in fear of me hurting myself. I stopped eating, drinking, sleeping, and I basically turned into a corpse. I developed an ED and it's been awful. I'm not really any better yet physically. I've healed my relationships, I have an amazing boyfriend who loves and cares for me. My friends came back, I'm a tad bit happier now. I probably won't be coming back for a while because a lot of things from Amias are on here and I don't want to remember any of that while healing. Some chapters are still on here, and even though they're unfinished, I will post them. I just want to say thank you to anyone who really kept coming back to check if I had posted, and I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner. Samswell I saw what you said, and I'm so sorry that happened to you. You seem like an amazing person and you were one of the people who influenced me to start this page. I'm sorry I couldn't finish that story for you, but I hope that maybe I'll get better and finish it one day. Much love, Mxcha.