Hi next chapter of  DSR is out. Hope you enjoy it. I will probably go ahead and do one more DSR chapter because the whole Maitland story is coming to a head. Yeah, we aren't done with them just! Hope you all have a fantastic week and Happy Reading!  :)


@AMDB81 Excellent story.  Your writing style gets better each time.  Glad Maitland story is almost history.  Proud the way Elle cared for Michael.  Now let's just see how our 3 older Steele brothers fall in serious love and bring more additions to the Steele family.


@ AMDB81  what a wonderful update again!!!!
          	  I really hope the nightmare called the Maitlands will be over very soon. So that the peace can return in the Steele family. Although knowing you this will not be over yet... lol! Looking forward to the next update. Have a lovely week!!!


@AMDB81 ooh I had to binge read this one tonight, or yeah, anyway (it's 1:00am) :) I'm anxiously awaiting for all her brothers to know the whole story and of course for some brothers and sister cuddles soonish. This chapter was an emotional roller-coaster but I'm glad some of them are learning a bit. Thank you for the update. I want to hug all the Steeles. Excellent work! 


Hey, just wondering what you meant by the title of the newest chapter…loved the chapter btw!


@riddz1 no problem it was kind of vague if you aren't familiar with that kind of! Like I've said before, yall really do not want to know what goes on in my!


@AMDB81 oh okay got it…I was trying to figure out what it meant 


@riddz1 Hey dear, if you're referring to One Bad One and One Good One...I was thinking along the lines of One Bad "egg" person and One Good "egg" person. Of course Derrick is the bad one and Lillie is the good one...that's how I saw it anyway...


Hello there again! I finished editing one of my favourite scenes! I was going to send it upon here on one big message, but apparently there's a limit to the amount of characters in a message so it's going to be in parts! Sorry...
          'You're so lucky! Elle commented as she watched Addie get ready for her date. she had insisted on helping Addie get dressed. Or rather just play with her sister's makeup. Either way, Addie was pleased that she was able to spend some quality time with her sister.
          'You'll be going on your first date in no time. ' Addie replied, smiling softly at Elle.
          Elle sighed before letting herself fall onto the mattress, 'Not until Gage and Garrett graduate and then move across the country,'
          Adeline turned away from the mirror, hands on hips, glowering down at Elle. No wonder even Jake was intimidated by her at times. However, Elle just shrugged from where she was lying on the bed and whined, 'It's true.'
          Addie just shook her head, turning back to the mirror.She reapplied her lipstick one more time before examining herself in the mirror.She hadn't gone on a date for the past 4 years, the last time being when she was 18. The date had gone well until he met her brothers. Let's just say he didn't come back for a second date.
          'So what's he like?' elle asked, rolling over onto her stomach. 'Give me every detail,'
          Addie gave her a questioning look but still said. 'His name's Cameron. He's in my journalism class.'
          'Last name?' Elle interrogated.
          'Thomas. Cameron Thomas,'


@LuckytheHufflepuff Thank you! Like I am literally crying rn! :D


@LuckytheHufflepuff I loved it! And I am so proud of you for doing that, it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there. Believe me I know. When I dropped the first chapter I was so nervous. Even though I didn't care  what happened, I was still Way to go! You are now, officially on your way! <3 <3


@LuckytheHufflepuff Thank you so much! I dropped the story, and it can be found on my profile! Please check it out and tell me what you think! I'd appreciate it very much! Thank you for being so supportive about this! Please feel free to tell me what you think!


Hi next chapter of  DSR is out. Hope you enjoy it. I will probably go ahead and do one more DSR chapter because the whole Maitland story is coming to a head. Yeah, we aren't done with them just! Hope you all have a fantastic week and Happy Reading!  :)


@AMDB81 Excellent story.  Your writing style gets better each time.  Glad Maitland story is almost history.  Proud the way Elle cared for Michael.  Now let's just see how our 3 older Steele brothers fall in serious love and bring more additions to the Steele family.


@ AMDB81  what a wonderful update again!!!!
            I really hope the nightmare called the Maitlands will be over very soon. So that the peace can return in the Steele family. Although knowing you this will not be over yet... lol! Looking forward to the next update. Have a lovely week!!!


@AMDB81 ooh I had to binge read this one tonight, or yeah, anyway (it's 1:00am) :) I'm anxiously awaiting for all her brothers to know the whole story and of course for some brothers and sister cuddles soonish. This chapter was an emotional roller-coaster but I'm glad some of them are learning a bit. Thank you for the update. I want to hug all the Steeles. Excellent work! 


Any spoilers for the next chapter? So excited for the next update


@poppyy97 I know...that's why it is so cryptic...or misleading...or! ;)


@AMDB81 oh gooddyyyy….lemme see, Jordan leaves? And Elle gets caught with the burn? But it’s not what people are thinking about yet….so not the burn but the leaf? Or vice versa? Omg I’m so excited 
            Btw @AMDB81 you absolutely don’t have to reply to this…I’m just trynna guess and have some fun
            Im not looking for any confirmation lol


@poppyy97 Let's see....someone leaves, someone breaks a promise, and someone might get caught....but that one isn't going to be about what some people will think it will be least not! ;)


Hii! You have probably seen me in some of your comment sections and I'm guessing you know I've reread Diamond S Ranch a few times now! Well if you don't, I have read it quite a few times, I think it's OK to say I'm obsessed. And I write fanfictions you see and I do something rather strange with the characters of a book I'm reading. I tend to make up characters because while i'm re reading any book, my mind just goes 'what if there was an evil step sister in this?' Or 'what if we killed that character off?' I did the same to Diamond S Ranch. What if Elle had a sister? What if she was older than Jordan but younger than Kaison? So that's how I made up Adeline Sylvia Steele ( I'm sorry abt the name adeline is just one of my go to names). I tend to do this to a lot of books I read I just don't share them with the author and they just stay in the back of my mind somewhere. I decided to share this with you @AMDB81 because I have practically fell in love with adeline and I was hoping to get your opinion on her. Hope you have a great day and thank you for actually reading this to the end.


@LuckytheHufflepuff   Love, you don't need to apologize for anything and I am truly interested to see what you come up with.  And yes, I was thinking the same thing as far as just writing them down.  I wouldn't worry about making them flow, unless the do roll from one chapter to the next. I would just write them and then piece them in later. I do that when I have a future idea that I really want to make sure to get it down as I see it now. I actually keep a small note book with me to write stuff down all the time. Of course, then I have to be able to read my own handwriting and that's another issue all! are more than welcome, I am looking forward to it. :)


@AMDB81 I have started writing them down as like as a sort of book if that's what u mean. And I guess we can do it here then. In all honesty thank you! I never thought it would go this far as too actually sharing these scenes and scenarios with you. I am truly grateful! And I'll finish one and I'll send them here! Thank you so much for taking the time with these and I'm truly sorry if I said anything. again thank you for your time!


@LuckytheHufflepuff It is truly wherever and however you feel comfortable sharing the information. It does not matter to me. Also I want to encourage you to start writing down, if you haven't already, the scenes, scenarios you are envisioning. Especially if you feel really passionate about them. For me, I sometimes write out scenes way ahead of the storyline because I see it and just have to get it out. I just tuck it way and come back later and use it when it is time. So, if you want to go through here or yours, we'll  just start our own  "conversation" if you would like. Like I said, whatever works for you. :)


This is just an fyi announcement ***sorry not a notification of a chapter drop, just yet :) *** Some of you will probably notice I have changed the cover of the DSR story. The reason for that is I am thinking of entering the story in the Wattys. If I do, your cover has to be yours or permission given to use that picture . So, I had to create my own cover. I honestly do not know if I will even enter this or not, I'm just not sure it qualifies for the contest. So I still haven't made a decision. But, I had to prepare something if I do decide to go forward, and probably needed to do something of my own, there you have it.  And...for those of you wondering how the next chapter is going, because I know you!   I am a little over halfway to three fourths through on the next chapter. Possibly by this coming weekend it will be ready, that is my goal. But hey, don't hold your! Thanks guys, you all are amazing and I truly do appreciate you all! Hope you have a great week!  <3 <3


@AMDB81 I like the new cover too, and I hope you enter and win! Looking forward to the new chapter. :)


@AMDB81 You should definitely enter it! It is still my favorite book on here!


@AMDB81 It's a GREAT cover can't lie! you should probably enter, it's honestly one of the best books ( that is not a fanfiction) i've read on this site,


Hi do you think it would be possible in the next chapter of Diamond S Ranch to have a flashback with the father or mother of the Steele brothers?


@luvs4tina No problem, just kind of wanted to get a feel of what you were thinking. Like I said, I know it won't be in this chapter but in one fairly soon, I can probably make it happen. :)


@ AMDB81  Actually I don't know very well maybe yes I would prefer to see some interactions between them or a flashback in which they are disciplining one of them but you can do as you think is best for the story! :)


@luvs4tina Hey dear, not sure if I can get it in the very next chapter but one sooner than later is very possible. However, just curious as to what you were envisioning as a flashback scene? What you were thinking you would specifically might like to see as an interaction with them. I'd really like to know, if you had anything particular, or even sort of general you were thinking of.  Thanks...and glad you are enjoying the story. :)


Okay, next chapter of DSR II is out...finally! Sorry for the delay. Got back from family vacation, which was great and got sick, which was not great. I really think we all passed something around...yay! It acted like Covid, which is always such a joy but it wasn't Covid just had all the stupid symptoms, which puts me down for a good week. With another surprise visit from another son, daughter-in-law and grandson over the fourth, things just ended up being delayed a bit longer.  Hope everyone's summer is going great! Just think, less than six months now to! Not sure yet what I am doing next, Lexi or another DSR...but Lord willing, whatever it is, it won't take as long to get! Have a great day or night...wherever you are! You guys are amazing! Thank you and Happy Reading! <3 <3


Grateful you’re healthy and back to sharing your writing with your loyal fans! 


@AMDB81 Glad you're okay.  Was starting to get worried about you!