Thanks for the follow! :) ❤️
Reading List
!!!!The following announcement is a note pertaining to a story update and future information!!!! So, I know I should've probably utilized wattpad's Announcements and other features alot sooner, but I guess better late then never, huh? Anyway, I just published a new poem to one of my stories called "Collective Poems" {it's not very creative, I know} and I would greatly appreciate it if people could check out the collection. On any of them, doesn't have to be the newest one. If you guys wanna leave feedback on the poems, please feel free to do so, feedback can also be directed to me through Wattpad messaging, if that's more preferable. All types of feedback are Welcome!!! If you guys are wondering why the images for poems 1-26 are different from poem 27's, it's because I recreated the cover image yesterday and decided to use the new cover for 27 and any poem after, until I decide to change the cover again. I'll also be adding a proper story description for "Collective Poems" and a proper bio to my Wattpad Account. I'll make an announcement when those are done. And I'll be using WP's announcement feature alot more as well. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for future announcements!!! -A.M. Garver P.S. I may/may not create a group chat of my followers to talk about help with advertising on Wattpad. I would like some help in advertising. And of course, the favor would be returned for whoever wants to help. P.P.S. If any of my followers want feedback/reviews for their stories, pm me and I'll be glad to help Though if you do leave a message and it's after a certain time, you'll have to wait until the next day to hear from me. But I promise, I'll get to you. It just may not be right away. Also, please be extra patient with me when we enter a conversation, if we do. I'm disabled in real life and it takes me some time to type because of it. Thank you for your understanding.
Thanks for the follow! :) ❤️
!!!!The following announcement is a note pertaining to a story update and future information!!!! So, I know I should've probably utilized wattpad's Announcements and other features alot sooner, but I guess better late then never, huh? Anyway, I just published a new poem to one of my stories called "Collective Poems" {it's not very creative, I know} and I would greatly appreciate it if people could check out the collection. On any of them, doesn't have to be the newest one. If you guys wanna leave feedback on the poems, please feel free to do so, feedback can also be directed to me through Wattpad messaging, if that's more preferable. All types of feedback are Welcome!!! If you guys are wondering why the images for poems 1-26 are different from poem 27's, it's because I recreated the cover image yesterday and decided to use the new cover for 27 and any poem after, until I decide to change the cover again. I'll also be adding a proper story description for "Collective Poems" and a proper bio to my Wattpad Account. I'll make an announcement when those are done. And I'll be using WP's announcement feature alot more as well. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for future announcements!!! -A.M. Garver P.S. I may/may not create a group chat of my followers to talk about help with advertising on Wattpad. I would like some help in advertising. And of course, the favor would be returned for whoever wants to help. P.P.S. If any of my followers want feedback/reviews for their stories, pm me and I'll be glad to help Though if you do leave a message and it's after a certain time, you'll have to wait until the next day to hear from me. But I promise, I'll get to you. It just may not be right away. Also, please be extra patient with me when we enter a conversation, if we do. I'm disabled in real life and it takes me some time to type because of it. Thank you for your understanding.
!!!!ATTENTION WATTPAD COMMUNITY!!!! THIS IS AN UPDATED ANNOUNCEMENT IN REGARDS TO THE ONE I MADE YESTERDAY. So, I went to go talk to the Author of "Her Returned Mate" { by North Rose on AnyStories} and as it turns out, the people asking for review s on her story ARE NOT trying to claim it as theirs. The below is the direct response I got from the Author themselves: "Hello. Yes I have been in touch with the people at AnyStories about this and the advertising team They are sending the free chapters of my book to people, asking for reviews, then linking them there to read the rest of my book. They are working on ways to improrve their advertising so please be patient. They are not trying to scam you or claim my book as their own." I REPEAT: The users going around and asking for reviews for "Her Returned Mate" ARE NOT scammers or plagiarizers. I asked the Author about sharing the Instagram and they said I could so if anyone else would like to follow them, search their Instagram at northrose28 or follow the link below⬇️ https://instagram.com/northrose28?igshid=1uguhrpzsf21g I apologize for the misinformation and have learned from this experience. Thank you for reading this and stay safe❤ -A.M. Garver
!!!!!ATTENTION WATTPAD COMMUNITY!!!!!! THERE ARE WATTPAD ACCOUNT USERS GOING AROUND AND CLAIMING SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY/WORK AS THEIRS. PLEASE READ FURTHER FOR MORE INFORMATION. The Accounts Vary but they will send you a message asking you to review a book called "HER RETURNED MATE". {It's by North Rose on AnyStories, there's a hella bunch of comments that talk about this there.} They will say they are editors for the story. They'll send you previews for the 1st couple of chapters. If you say you'd like to look up the story, they'll send you a link to the story and if you ask what feedback they're looking for, they won't tell you. THESE USERS ARE COMMITTING PLAGIARISM {Which is Illegal} AND SCAMMING OTHER WATTPAD USERS AS WELL. Wattpad does not have the proper reporting option/other option in order to properly report these said users. So I suggest writing a review in whatever appstore you downloaded Wattpad from until it gets Wattpad's attention. And block any users who say the are editors of the story. PLEASE SHARE THIS ANYWHERE YOU CAN. Thank you and Stay Safe❤ -A.M. Garver
@AMGarver If you can yes. That would be great. I would also suggest the review on whatever appstore you got Wattpad from to make Wattpad aware. I'll be doing the same.
@AMGarver I think this has happened to me but I never reviewed the story.... They said they were an editor and sent me a preview, asked me for feedback and sent me a link on AnyStories... However, the story wasn't called "Her returned Mate" ... Should I report them for playgiarism?
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