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Guys! Guys!
I had an appt with the doctor that was unrelated to my knee. And I wasn't going to say anything about my knee but my coworker said it was a good idea just for my medical records to show that I hurt my knee again this weekend. Just for records sake.
So I go in and its a different doctor than the og one I saw for my knee. I got my other shit done and offhandedly mentioned my knee and about me falling again. He checked my labs and imaging and was like oh tendinitis can cause some pain due to inflammation. Let me check.
So he did, did pressure tests and moved it while talking about tendinitis and then he kinda stopped and was like can you walk for me? So i took three steps (hobbled really), and he was like sit down, please.
Then he sat down, looked at me and said 'When we injure our knee, it makes it more prone to injury. You've injured your knee again when you fell this weekend.'
You guys! I about cried. Again! He said again! He said again, as if the first time was an injury and NOT nothing. I am so relieved because he believed I hurt myself!
He then gave me CARE INSTRUCTIONS!!! Im not to use it, i need to keep my brace on, hot and cold compresses, he gave me pain meds, and told me he was glad I got a physio appointment because he would have referred me for one if I hadn't. Then he looked at me and said if Im not better in a month to come back and he would refer me to an orthopedic surgeon.
Like I'm just... I was given care. He thinks Ive injured my knee twice, he gave me pain meds! And INSTRUCTIONS! He didn't pat me on my head and say its fine and there's nothing he could do. He's taking it serious. I just feel so relieved. Im still in a lot of pain but I'm happy and so so sooo relieved.
I just wanted to update you guys about it. I know yall have been as concerned as me but I got a not stupid doctor today! I got one and now I have a PROPER basis of care. Im just so relieved!
I love you all!