
so this is kinda random cus i don't post here regularly but i've been vibing to this song recently. btw it has some cuss words and the theme is a break up song just so ya know but it is AMAZING


ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION!!!! It had come to my notice that my sister now has a hate account. Honestly I laughed my head off when I heard about it that is exactly what Jesus said would happen to honest believers! He said that the world would not hate you but the world would hate because of him. If you have a hate account I applaud you. You are taking a stand for what you believe in and that should not be hated on. Tons of people will say that you are just being a distraction or a homophobic bitch but YOU ARE NOT. You are an amazing human being made in God's image and you should never stop just because some idiot is afraid of your opinion. Also I might say some things on their account that are not very christianly but if you mess with my sister I'm going to move Heaven and earth to make sure you know who you are dealing with. God did say the meek shall inherit the earth, yes, but he also said to stand up for what you believe in. Lovey-bug-6 I am praying that you find Jesus. So ANYWAY. Currently working on the high school book again but it is going to be more like a biblical disney sitcom lol. Have a great rest of your day! May Jesus guide and protect you!


So I took down my other two books to work on them more behind the scenes and hopefully they will be published again! In the mean time I just published the full book (if it says ongoing I don't know why it says that it is done :D) and it is out on The Book Patch for sale (price updated to 12.99). I'm currently in the process of getting an ISBN for the book and once that's done then it will hopefully be up on amazon and other sites similar to that. Have a good rest of your day! Or evening I wouldn't know lol :)


working on it :)




So. A lots happened and I'm honestly surprised that I still have followers lol. So I've been super super busy with writing a book called The Blood Crown. I have finished it and will be transferring it to Wattpad soon.  It will be for sale for 9.99 on a site called The Book Patch and I would eternally grateful if you checked it out. Have a good rest or your day!


Post this on your five bestest friends page.
          If you got killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I would be in jail for killing the Person who killed you.
          If you got hurt, I wouldn't be by your side to comfort you.
          I would be planning a murder on who/whatever hurt you.
          If somebody broke your heart, I would stay on the phone with you all night to comfort you. And probably even more so when you watched the news the next day to realize the person who broke your heart had been brutally murdered.
          Best friends in the heart, even when we're miles apart.
          @AMajesticWaffle you are so sweet
          love you!!


honestly my friend would probably say the same thing about deer crossing signs; what's better is putting a cow crossing sign on a trail about a mile from any farmland and cows; yet we still have to watch out for them, so...


@sampson_1 I see found me probably found me through my sister lol. She's a lot better writer than I am. Like this is my past time but writing is like her main time idk


@sampson_1 what's funnier is people walking their cats. Sry to any cat lovers out there but...