Can ya finish The Kings Wife? Please??? I see ya want to do new books but could ya finish it??? I really want to read the first one and it but I like really doin that when they are both done
Hello my dear friend. How are you doing with your new job? I hope that things are settling down into a somewhat normal pace. I still hoping that you haven't lost your mogo with "The Kings Wife"
The story left off in a very nailbitting part.
Praying all is OK with you
I'm wondering if your ok? I have read the Goblin Kings daughter & it was a fabulous story. Now I've started reading the sequel story "The Kings Wife". It's one of the many stories I'm reading on this app. I just hope that you haven't lost your touch or given up. I really want to know how the story ends.
Thanks again
@TeresSue I am okay, thank you for asking. I've recently gotten a new job that had been given me more hours so I just haven't found the time to write. But I am slowly working on it. A chapter should be up in the next week. Thank you for checking on me. I appreciate it very much.
Hey guys, so I took down my Feed Weasley story. :( I'm sorry. I just didn't like they way everything was going and I just wanted to start off new. I kinda got to a stand still with it and was okay where do I go from here. So I took it down and it will be coming back up in due time. I love you all. Thank you for the support.
Ello! Thanks for followin' me back ☺
mythology, is so fun to research!! I remember doing that for hours one day lol that's how much I got into it... xD
@Element-Of-Dreams amazing ain't it? what such a small act can get you addicted to? (or in love with)
like, I ran across a Acapella video on YouTube one day & now I love seeing/watching accapella videos!! like Pentatonix & Peter Hollens