I’m an angry momma bear right now So as most of you know I have a daughter, and to make telling this story easier I will say her name is Orion. Now she has Tourette’s. Which is the disorder that makes you twitch, but it’s more commonly known as tics. And during quarantine she developed the habit of saying “wow” or “woo” in a sightly higher voice every time she tics. And today was one of her bad days, but she’s been handling everything really well so we decided to take her to the park, because she enjoys walking around and drawing with chalk, so we take her down to the park and she’s having a good time (wearing a mask) and I watched her from a bench, then this other woman came and sat on a bench 6 ft away from me. Later, Orion comes up to show me that she had found a worm, and she did tic a few times while telling me, causing her to say “wow” kinda loud, but soon she just goes on her way. Then the woman next to me looks at me and asked “what is wrong with your daughter? Why did she keep saying wow? It was really annoying and I couldn’t hear my music” (she had a headphones on). So I went off on her telling her my child had Tourette’s and she couldn’t help it. It infuriates me.
@AMeatball I'm so sorry to hear that Also out of topic I was thinking you're the same age as me and now I feel silly