I have 169 followers niiiiiice also THANK YOU ALL OFISEHJFPOEFIMPOWEFIJ
          	Also new chapter and hopefully more to come soon :)))


Hey y'all!
          I apologize for the lack of content lately but I've been setting something up
          I've begun streaming on twitch! The account is the same name as one here
          The next stream is Saturday (Jan 23rd) from 10am to 12pm mountain standard time 
          I will be cooking and my friend will be there too 
          I would love to see you there! And if it's at a bad time, then it will be uploaded to youtube inder the same name 
          Thank you all so much for the comments on the story, you are all amazing and I will update soon now that I have time :)
          Love you all
          Ok bye ma dudes 


@ANGERY_SHREK_ATTACK  will you update your book?


Aw that sounds fun! I’ll be there :)


Should I make a facebook group or something? Or maybe a discord server or something?
          I just think y'all are super funny and I think it would be cool for everyone to talk and just a safe place in general to share humor and funny experiences for others to relate to and other funny stuff 
          What do y'all think


Discord probably tho


So I'm still really busy with school and turning this story into a real book
          I'm really sorry for the slow updates 
          But I had this idea
          What if I took the YouTube channel I made for the audio version of this book and started playing games like minecraft, roblox, and among us 
          And I could make funny skits and marvel comic and incorrect quotes dubs
          Just an idea
          Let me know if you like the idea though because I've always wanted to help make people happy and entertain people with comedy and stuff
          Dont go to electrical 
          Ok bye ma dudes


            I haven't posted anything other than the audiobook yet but I did film something recently and I hope I can upload it soon


@ANGERY_SHREK_ATTACK  i would enjoy watching every bit so what your youtube link


I have a confession
          I've been cheating on marvel with Sanders sides 
          And if you dont know what it is it's a funny YouTube series and you need to go watch it right now-
          Ok rant over 
          Ok bye ma dudes


            MY QUEEN!!!
            I love sanders sides!!! 
            I was so happy when he posted the new video


@Girl1o I would if I had time and ideas