My readers it’s been a while and as you can tell I’ve stopped writing fanfics. I don’t know when I will continue to. Yes, I miss writing them but at the same time… Fanfics are a writer’s entry world to experimentation, and that’s why I loved them so much. To see our wildest fantasies, weird and crazy imagination come to life using our own hands is truely unmatched. I’m sure any artest or writer can agree. I miss you guys, my readers. Who have been patient with me. I really missed you guys. So… I’m going to let you in on a project of mine. It’s called Primal (that won’t be it’s name forever. It’s at least the name of it before I try and get it published in the future). It’s a heavy work-in-progress piece, like the very first barely a draft, I mean like the literal bare bones of it. Horrible grammar to bad storytelling sometimes haha. But I really do enjoy it. I would like a few beta readers who have seen my past work (fanfics) know my taste and style and still enjoy it. It’s not done yet but if you are willing to read it I would like to know what ya’ll think of it. What you like and what you think can be improved on it. Primal is angsty, filled with heartache and heartbreak, trauma, triggers, and much more. But it is also filled with beauty, teaching moments, love, found family, healing, courage, compassion, and of course spice (I plan to make sure this book gets heavily spicy but not yet). nd the characters are… you guessed it based on kpop lol. I got inspired to write this because I watched 1 music video, loved the storyline, got carried away, and now we are here 2 years later and around 16 chapters with 190 pages later. Uhhhhhh I don’t know how it got that far but I can assure you it’s different. I even have ideas for the second book coming after it. I might even have to split this book into 2 books because I have so many ideas planned for it. If the beta readers like it enough, I may even post it on Wattpad for a spell before I actually get it published.

Here is a small taste from chapter 1: “Well, if you’re not going to eat, then I will brief you on what is happening in your neighboring town. The one that’s right beside your high school, that is.” Val could feel his nails shifting slowly into claws. Anything about his students hits a sensitive spot in him. But he was curious about what might spill out of the dead brain monster in front of him. “There’s been so many complaints about killing these past few months. We believe it’s one of your students at it again. Oh… What was his name again? Ah, yes, I remember now. His name is Song Lee.” The face he was making now was undeniable. He was taunting Val. “He has a big track record of dead bodies falling around if I’m not mistaken.” “What about it, Portman?” Val asked as he twirled the knife in his hand. Portman chuckled, “Well, he’s caused such a ruckus that the Hunters are getting involved. They are very angry with you, Sir. They think you’ve gotten weak. That you can’t even control a group of students anymore.” Val startled everyone with a booming laugh. He knew what Portman was doing. He had seen it millions of times. They never learn. “They are getting serious now, Carnelian. They said that if you can not clean up this mess or keep your own Fledgling at bay, you should step down. In fact, everyone at this table thinks you should give up your position too.” No one else responded. The room was silent. You could feel a growing tension. “Dethrone me?” Val chuckled. “Who do you think I am? Hmm?” No one answered. They were all cowards. Val stabbed his knife into the table, “Do you think I’m someone you could get rid of?” Val stood up, making them cower back. If you like what you’ve read so far, you can message me and become a beta reader.