Loved ur bio. Its rly beautiful.

@dew_of_fire hi thank you for liking it❤, sorry for the late reply. I was logged out from wattpad.
Reading Lists
The most saddest thing to me, is when you feel that you are useless not to other but to yourself.... I am not good enough to others but at the same time I am not good enough for myself..... I am bad luck even to my own dream... I swim in big world of imagination, but I can't bring others to it..... I am good for nothing....... I can't even do anything I like to do.... It feels like I am laying to myself when I siad I can do something, because the truth is I can do anything..... The truth that I am trying escape from is that I am good for nothing.......
@VioletRoze25 i love u for who u are !! also, i am ready to swim with u in your big world of imagination , bring me there !
Loved ur bio. Its rly beautiful.
@dew_of_fire hi thank you for liking it❤, sorry for the late reply. I was logged out from wattpad.
Hey! Thank you so much for reading my book and voting on it. I hope you enjoy it. :) Love and light <333
Forget everyone else, focus on yourself. Focus on healing, focus on being better, focus on achieving the goals you set, focus on being the person you have always wanted. Find your balance. Find your inner peace. Find what makes you content. The saddest thing is when people focus on others. Stop and think about your own life and what you can do to make it the one you have always wanted. Life is too short. Do good and be good. Be a warrior, be a force of nature, be passionate, be the change, be strong, be you, love you, accept yourself and continue to grow. Put yourself first, because you matter. YOU MATTER. ❤️ Hi, it’s been a longgg time. How have you been?<3
@smilessayitall hello, I fine thank you. Yes it's been a while I missed your sweet massages ♡♡ What about how are you doing?
Hey Violet, Thanks for adding Anna's Short Shorts to your reading list!! I appreciate it! Hope you enjoy my collection of short stories!
@VioletRoze25 and again, I appreciate your adding Colour Me Poetry to your reading list! Hope you find poems that resonate with you there!
Thank you for adding my works to your reading lists!!! :D
Thank you so much for voting (also known as supporting) on my poetry. And, for giving it a chance and motivating me, it's most appreciated. :) Every read matters, every vote matters and every comment matters.
If you are seeing this, you are going to prosper. You are experiencing a new part of your life where you will bloom into a better version of yourself and flourish. Change is coming your way; love is coming your way; peace and clarity are coming your way. You have nothing to fear and even less to worry about. Your dark days will be over, and your soul will witness sunshine. Be patient, you are going to prosper. ✨❤️
@smilessayitall knowing that I did horrible in English grammar exam, that was very kind of you ♡♡♡
Hi there! Thanks for the follow ❤️
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Hey, how you doin’?❤️
@VioletRoze25 awe please take care and drink lots of water.❤️❤️❤️sleep well too. I’m okay hehe
@smilessayitall Thank you so much, that's so kind of you. I am fine, but I feel stressed out by the exams. You how are you ♡♡♡♡
Thanks for the follow!
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