
Someone rp


Why have I been gone?
          You all probably  want to know. 
          My mum has cancer, had cancer for a long time.  Shes undergone lots of surgeries  the last few months and I've had to spend a lot of time and effort, including  many personal sacrifices to help raise my siblings. 
          Those of you who know me in person will know she got diagnosed two years in April but it isn't something that will go away. She will have bowel cancer for a long time and there were times we thought she was cancer free but she wasn't. It isn't always concrete.  
          I haven't had time to write because of that, updates will be few and far between.
          As well as this I have my own physical and mental health issues to deal with and I have my gcses coming up (for Americans that the equivalent of sats) which is very stressful  and is taking a toll on my emotional well being.  
          I am going to try and update one book per week at least but please bare with me.


Take as much time as you need, I’m sorry for you and your family and I hope your mother gets better soon


Someone PM me. I'm editing chapters and I'm really bored. Also what would you like updating. I'm already working on sold to the highest bidder and the Cg/L oneshots. 


@LaraPalms  thank you so much. I didn't think people cared that much about it.


@AOTandYaoifan101 Thank you!!! I've been waiting for Sold to The Highest Bidder. I love that story. You are so very loved.


ce message peut être offensant
I'm so, so tired of the people on here who make fun of other peoples writing and make them feel like shit. Do you think they don't know there are a few mistakes in there? Nobody's perfect,
          In the comments of so many books I've read lately people are being grammar nazis or patronizing and belittling people for making mistakes or not writing as well as some of the other people on here. 
          People don't publish their writing to be harassed they publish it so the world can see it and that's their personal choice. 
          Don't be assholes, just because someones writing isn't as good or has grammar errors doesn't mean you have to point it out. If you don't start somewhere then there's no starting point for improvement.


@AOTandYaoifan101  Sometimes,  I offer suggestions but I never do it with malice. And I always point out all the good things as well. And most of the time there are far more good things to be emphasized than the few grammar issues that I might find. You my dear write extremely well and have an excellent grasp of what makes a really good storyline. Those far outweigh any other issues there might be.And I could come up with many more good things to say. The problem with most of the nazi's is they never seem to balance errors with the exceptional parts of the authors work. You are loved.


@AOTandYaoifan101 I completely understand. I'm not completely innocent of that, but I've stopped. I pointed out mistakes because I hate to see people fail. I didn't think it hurt them, but after thinking it over and having others point out MY mistakes, I realized it DOES hurt. I'm sorry if I accidently hurt anyone's feelings. I really didn't mean to. Like you said, no one's perfect, but that doesn't mean you should strive to be. Just... Be yourself. That's the best you can possibly do!


If you guys have any requests for one-shots or new books. Maybe new fandoms all together that you want to see or anything you want updating soon please do let me know. I love to hear input from you guys and its a great help to know what you want the most so I can work on that.


@LaraPalms It's fine I understand completely


@AOTandYaoifan101 Only time I have to go by is what's posted on the page here. Most of the time I have no idea where most of you guys are. So I will get times messed up. I'm sorry. 


@LaraPalms thank you, that's really nice but it's nearly half 6 in the evening here


omgosh you are legit the coolest!!!!!!!


lmao I literally have forgotten to log on since I posted this :) I get it lmao


@Emerald_Artemis thank you for the support. Sorry it took so long to message back I usually don't see these messages when I log on


What do you guys want me to update next? I have some free time for the next few days so I just want to know what you want to see more of the most.


@AOTandYaoifan101 Oh, thank you so much. I can't wait!!! You are a Sweetheart.


@LaraPalms I'll have an update up some time tomorrow