//If nations are too pressured with a certain event (Berlins Partition, Chernobyl in Ukraine, Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Fukushima in Japan..) the place gets a personifikation to loghten the pain a nation.
With such a dangerous even like Chernobyl, their personification would be able to stand radioactivity more than other do.
Chernobyl was able to live for years in their region before Ukraine took them away there to avoid a possible illusion-death (like a coma, just that the nation is indeed dead for an amount of time) of them.
Chernobyl had an extremely weak immune system from birth and was born with only one arm. Other nations avoid those event-personifications. Out of anxiety they are hurting others.
Fukushima for example is able to take a humans' life with just a touch. Because the disaster happened 2010 and the radioactivity is high