New page will be out when I get a chance


Hey everyone sorry it's been so long I honestly I'm still trying to figure out how to end the next part of my book and I'm drawing on some blanks so if you could comment and give me some ideas how to end the next part and also how to begin it because I'm honestly at a blank also to all those who are wondering where I get my art for my covers and stuff I Google them and shout out to deviantArt because they're the ones who give me most of the stuff now I would lay down some names and give shout outs to people however some of it's in Japanese and some of it's just AI art that has no names underneath so yeah most of it is basically a i art which honestly don't really like cuz I never really liked AI but hey got some good art so I use it anyway guys the next page is going to have a really Banger and really cool sick looking cover so get ready guys and I'll see you on the next one when I finally get writing again oh boy


Making me a lot longer than I thought I've been working on things in real life along with my work as well so I'm finally back and I'm ready to start writing again it will probably be every so often once a month I'll probably do a few pages and then leave you guys on a cliffhanger I will start writing again very soon so please be patient with me it's taking me a long time with life and everything so that's about it anyway see you all soon when I finally start writing again


Yo to all that follow me I have changed my name and also changed my profile it has been a long month of December for me that we have had I had a power outage the third day of January yeah that's going to be fun and on top of that I have a winter storm coming that could also knock my power out so not very funny in my opinion I will do my best to eventually start writing again as of now I am taking a break and have lost a lot of ideas over the winter break along with that Christmas is now over and so is New Year's so hope you all will understand that I may not be posting until February but if I do you will be the first one to know hope you all enjoy and I have one page coming out tomorrow for betrayed and two for the next Apex Hunter do not worry I have not forgot about Apex Hunter I have some great ideas coming up for that along with the fact of well merging I'll just give you that clue for the instance for now and I have many more books I want to write one day but for now we're going to focus on betrayed and Apex Hunter two new pages for Apex Hunter will be out tomorrow I hope it depends on my schedule and also a page of betrayed which will be the only one I do probably till February I have to get my ideas straight and everything but once I do we'll be back to writing again hope you all enjoy and yeah see you soon bye


Announcement to all my readers the next part known as to hell and back part 1 and 2 will be out during this week I'm so sorry but I need to come up with a few more ideas since I really want to add some more stuff to it I already got the plot down and everything and I've been really distracted with a new game I just recently got but I already completed the game and now I'm just doing post game and having fun so on top of that there are a few things I want to tell you about the next part will be a two-parter I know you guys are not used to that since I barely ever do that but I cannot add it into one's part otherwise it will be over 10,000 words and I know damn well none you want to read that many words in one single page and plus that will be torture on my fingers so the first part will be written on one day and the second part will probably be written later that day get my hands a break and everything you know what I'm saying right after that we have another part scheduled for 3 days later I already have it planned out and everything so if it's not right on time I'm sorry it's probably running a little late just know that you will have three new parts this week after that next week I have plans for some other stuff too but however there is Thanksgiving coming up so I'm probably not going to be doing very much however apex predator will be getting two new parts here pretty soon I'm just out of ideas on that one for a while if you have any ideas though please send them to me Viet a comment or anything like that a message to me maybe a reply if you have any ideas whatsoever please hand them to me I'll think about it and see if they're good enough to add I know you readers don't have some great ideas so please give me some ideas and don't get mad if I don't add them into that part I may add them later anyway thank you for your time and your patience and yeah anyway guys I'll see y'all next one bye


@ARC-RED thanks bro how far did you get?


@ARC-RED So I gotta say, it was interesting to read, The story u wrote called "Betrayed"  I give it a thumbs up.


Well y'all I'm back from my Hiatus and I have a ton of ideas it's time to get started on some more parts of the story hope you all enjoyed a break and also not the daily uploads I'm sorry it's been a long time and I'm having a really hard week recently it's been raining and I've just been really sluggish and tired how long would life things you know how it is anyway so now that I'm back we're going to get started again on more parts of the story newest part of betrayed and apex predator will be coming out soon please bear with me here I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get them out it's just been taking me a very long time and it's have been a lot of things in real life to do so I haven't really had time to write so but now we can so let's get started it is 1:30 in the morning I'm only going to do a little tonight and the rest will be done tomorrow so yeah guys see y'all in the next one hope you all enjoy


Halloween is over so the creepy profile is now out however I have decided to put a new one on I think it looks pretty good let me know what y'all think and hopefully soon the next part of betrayed will be out soon apex predator will be out in the next week or so I'm running low on ideas and stuff and I need to get some more please be lenient with me and give me some time I'll try my best to learn some more ideas and get a ton of them and when I come back I'll be fresh and ready to go so I'm going to go on a few week hiat I'll probably be back most likely after Thanksgiving if not a little sooner so hope you all enjoy a vacation of me and well anyway with all that I will enjoy my vacation bye it will probably be a little sooner I'll say probably November 15th


Hello my dear followers I'm posting this on my profile to let you know there's a new Story coming out I'll send you an image along with this so you guys know I am creating a new story called Apex Hunter I'm taking a break from betrayed and I'm creating a new story it's easy for me and I want to take the time to have fun and not be burned out by the other book the idea is I have for this one are pretty simple and it's not going to be very long and drawn out as others it will probably be as long as my second book 30 pages or if you're in the design that is not pages and then it's actually just 30 parts in that case I'll probably end up doing parts so yeah anyway I hope you all enjoy the story and yeah that's about it I'll send you a picture right after to let you know what it looks like