
Actually I was thinking of making James’ tier something more rare (btw I’m calling it a Grendel his tier) and I’m thinking that a person has to be infected by every tier of zombie to become one... 
          So like you have to be infected by a normal zombie, runner, Nightstalker and a Terror to become a Grendel or you can be infected by a Grendel to become one as well. 
          But I’m thinking of having them be smart even when they are feral. Btw I’m messaging u this so I don’t spoil anything for other readers.


            That actually makes sense on a whole lot of different levels to be honest but there's still one last part to consider, we all know in The Virus Within that Daniel had a very hard time with trying to act as a zombie because he was so out of touch with his instincts, would James be like that? Or would he live wild for long enough to get a good grip on what and not to do as a zombie.


            Exactly! So it’s next to impossibly buuuuut you know how in the first instance with the flu jabs people turned into terrors and nightstalkers and runners anyway without being infected by them, well my idea is that it’s to do with a certain genetic trait that a small amount of the population have. 
            So a group have the trait to become a runner, this group is obviously larger than the group that has the nightstalker trait and then they are larger than the Terrors. 
            So, for example, let’s say James already had the terror trait and then gets infected by both a runner and a normal zombie and before he blacks out that ‘roar’ is actually a nightstalker call which comes over and infects him too. 


            Now that's actually unique to be honest, but when you are bitten by a zombie they'd try to maul you into pieces, unless of course you are saved.
            And like in the original story, Nightstalkers and Terrors are made to not cross paths so it would be highly unlikely that you would even have a remote chance of becoming one.