Hi there! 
          	I hope the New Year has brought you all happiness and good health! I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you—my book, "Hidden Secrets," is finally nearing its conclusion. Stay tuned, as the last three chapters are just around the corner!
          	Thank you for being part of this journey, and I hope you enjoy every moment of the story's grand finale. Your support means the world to me! 
          	Happy reading, and here’s to an amazing year ahead!


Hi there! 
          I hope the New Year has brought you all happiness and good health! I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you—my book, "Hidden Secrets," is finally nearing its conclusion. Stay tuned, as the last three chapters are just around the corner!
          Thank you for being part of this journey, and I hope you enjoy every moment of the story's grand finale. Your support means the world to me! 
          Happy reading, and here’s to an amazing year ahead!


Re: False Expectations 
               I read where you said additional chapters were uploaded. I'm unable to locate them. Please help! It's beautifully written. I can understand not writing sex scenes and agree. However, it is horrible not to know the ending!
               Please respond 
               Thank you, Tink4me 


@Tink4me Hi! Chapters will be uploaded frequently. Thank you and enjoy! :)


Hi. Started reading Born to be Impress and wanting to know if there would be anymkre updates please.


@callibrooklyn Hi there!Of course there will be updates!I just can't tell you the frequency yet because I have many things in my plate at the moment!!There will be one in the weekend for sure!Stay tuned! ;)


Hi. Why did you post chapter 40 of false expectations when you aren't going to post chapters 16 through 39?


@JenniferTorre3  maybe but not soon.... I have a contract with the other platforms that binds me at the moment....I am sorry :(


@ARIADNI_SA will this book ever be fully uploaded to here?


@JenniferTorre3 Hi! I am editing the book and I uploaded by mistake. I have already took it down...Thanks fot tellind me that! <3


hey can i please ask why the last 40 chapters of false expectations havent/ be realesed on wattpad? i have found the full novel on another platform but i cant access it as i only use the pc to read (phone is really old) and the other platform says i can only read it on the phone.... this is extremely frustrating to readers who dont have access to other platforms to read your book. will the other chapters ever be released here or is this book staying as incomplete on this particular platform?????


I think the ending was amazing xxx I think you’ve portrayed people well and sometimes we have to give them a chance to redeem themselves because it’s not always the fact they are nasty it’s because they are scared and push people away because if they do that then they won’t get hurt that way xxx Well done sweets xxx 


@RachelCook169 Thank you very much!!