
How can you miss someone you’ve never met?
          	Cause I need you now but IDK you yet.
          	But can you find me soon because I’m in my head.
          	Yeah, I need you now but IDK you yet.
          	  IDK you yet 


this message may be offensive
Lemme be real here for a moment 
          First I'm letting you know now(I'm aware it's a late notice ) but I'm struggling so I up date slow,yes I may be active but I do that in the small moments of free time I have, my life's complete shit rn, from typical highschool we drama (that only jisoos kris knows how I end up in) to much bigger problems with my home life and my personal being, so I apologize to all of you for my shit timing on updates or really just in general my activity in my account, I hope to start up dating more now though, as the light at the end of the dark tunnel of my life is slowly appearing to be closer and closer, and now I'm the closest I've ever been to it and when I reach it I'll be better and more consistent with my Account.
          But I have a request 
          You all have a quest 
          No  your struggle no matter your hurt, keep going, walk out that door with a smile on your face and approach those who seem to have no hope, be their hope. Love your self gain that respect of your self that you deserve, don't let the world hold you chained down in that dark tunnel, pick up your weapon put on your armor and fight to reach the light at the end, complete this quest and then continue life, live out your happiest life, rather you become the next King/Queen/Ruler or just live out your life married with a family of your own
          Happiness is priceless regard less of the size.
          Don't give the world the tears and brokenness it tries to beat out of you.
          Have a good day my friends.
          Fighting !