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hi small update im trying to adjust to the worst academic year of my life cause now in classmates w my ex friend (in a good way tho but we jst dont talk 2 each other anymore) and random people i dont know and wont bother socializing due to anxiety and only one of my friends r there w me
          	i would kill to switch to ANY sections at this point its a pain in the ass tbh
          	anyways back to the topic im burnt out asf rn and im trying to focus on school 4 once cause i failed my math tests TWICE last year so yeah—
          	or in other words
          	i just dont feel like writing lmao


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hi small update im trying to adjust to the worst academic year of my life cause now in classmates w my ex friend (in a good way tho but we jst dont talk 2 each other anymore) and random people i dont know and wont bother socializing due to anxiety and only one of my friends r there w me
          i would kill to switch to ANY sections at this point its a pain in the ass tbh
          anyways back to the topic im burnt out asf rn and im trying to focus on school 4 once cause i failed my math tests TWICE last year so yeah—
          or in other words
          i just dont feel like writing lmao


not gonna lie i really wanna write again but i dont know WHAT 
          which is kinda fuckin stupid but still i am mentally constipated so if i can have some reccs that'd be great ig
          I might write random things with ocs? or yk just serve the wattpad legion and give [name] scenarios with certain characters-
          but smut aint my thing, i tried and i couldnt type 1 word without giving myself a 5 minute break until i type again (the one who reads said smut)
          anyways- im mostly familiar with: 
          -roblox (yeah, yeah no dont even BOTHER ASKING-)
          -mandela catalogue (for every reasonable reasons, this will be platonic or that [name] dies to alternates)
           -pjsekai (NO SIBLING SHIPS HOMEBOYS)
          - undertale (maybe?)
          -request a fandom and ill probably read an entire wiki i guess??
          oh and for the roblox category (slow regret):
          -Decaying Winter (god kill me)
          DOORS (fun fact: i wrote an entire fanfic for me and my friends and it had 10k+ words, the dedication i had a year ago..)
          so like- ill just make a book on this and wait for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING roll in ig-
          (god pls save me)


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fuck i did it and theres no turning back now