Hello everyone! As you can see, I actually managed to publish another chapter...Hope you like it! Since "New Encounter" will be coming to an end these weeks, I was thinking of actually writing another story.
WARNING: Since I haven't finished my first one yet, I'm not promising that I will start this new story soon. I might start on Christmas Holidays and finish it in Summer, or maybe longer. I might not even write it at all, actually, if I don't have the courage...However, I still want to share my idea!
I actually thought of writing a story about the "German Lore" or so I call it. I would like to use Third Reich as Germany's father this time, and write my ideas about how he was in the start, how he changed into a dictator and how he ended up, alongside with Germany as a protagonist. The story will be on Third Person's POV, so that it can be slightly easier for me too. So, what do you think?