
Hello everyone! After some inspiration that hit my brain like a brick after studying Algebra, I finally settled the end of the story! I have made all the right links (I hope), and I think it's pretty interesting! I have noted it to a paper and will start writing it around Christmas. Actually, I might finish on Christmas, amd not start, as I will try to write a little during school. So if the story doesn't get updated, it just means that I'm writing little by little when I have time. I might continue my current draft tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I will start from December as we have many tests going on...Thank you for your understanding! I'm really happy to see the story getting more popular, thanks to you! I love you all! ❤️✨


Hello everyone! After some inspiration that hit my brain like a brick after studying Algebra, I finally settled the end of the story! I have made all the right links (I hope), and I think it's pretty interesting! I have noted it to a paper and will start writing it around Christmas. Actually, I might finish on Christmas, amd not start, as I will try to write a little during school. So if the story doesn't get updated, it just means that I'm writing little by little when I have time. I might continue my current draft tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I will start from December as we have many tests going on...Thank you for your understanding! I'm really happy to see the story getting more popular, thanks to you! I love you all! ❤️✨


I don't want to sound demanding, but is New Encounter still being updated? It's been over a month since the last update (recalling that the updates were monthly) and I'm starting to worry that the story will be discontinued, which I really don't want to happen since it's one of my favorite fics. Have a nice day :3


@ ARandomPerson_07  Thank god Thank you for responding (And for making this fic too!)


@Musical_Mau Hello! Don't worry, the story is still ongoing and I'm logging in Wattpad daily to check on updates about it. I'm waiting for a day more convenient to write the next chapter! And I really appreciate your liking to my story!


Hello everyone! As you can see, I actually managed to publish another chapter...Hope you like it! Since "New Encounter" will be coming to an end these weeks, I was thinking of actually writing another story.
          WARNING: Since I haven't finished my first one yet, I'm not promising that I will start this new story soon. I might start on Christmas Holidays and finish it in Summer, or maybe longer. I might not even write it at all, actually, if I don't have the courage...However, I still want to share my idea!
          I actually thought of writing a story about the "German Lore" or so I call it. I would like to use Third Reich as Germany's father this time, and write my ideas about how he was in the start, how he changed into a dictator and how he ended up, alongside with Germany as a protagonist. The story will be on Third Person's POV, so that it can be slightly easier for me too. So, what do you think?


@ARandomPerson_07 this would actually be great! Also I loved the story so far! 


Important Announcement: 
          Since the last days of Summer were a little rocky and school starts tomorrow, I need to inform you that the last chapters will be slightly delayed. I'm really sorry, but I'm really stressing about school, and the last chapters as well...I hope you are alright with me going in my pace...Stay safe!


It’s okay man, take all the time you need, we won’t force you to make something rushed. We all completely understand how you feel. You stay safe as well!


Sorry to be that person,but fandom,the group of fans,is written with like:fandom and not phantom.


@Aiworks I just checked my mistake and you are so right! I will change it right away! And I have no problem being corrected at all, thanks for telling me. The thing is that I sometimes forget how English/American words are written and make mistakes. I also know that I make vocabulary mistakes while I am writing the story and I have spotted some of them. I will make sure to change them as well. Thanks again!


Just an observation