
I'm sorry to anyone who has been pm-ing me, I have the flu and I've been in bed for a few days.


Today, I'm going to be telling you the story of how I came out to my parents (as pan.) So, I was talking to someone and she was being super rude and saying horrible stuff about the lgbtq+ community and I just blurted out that I was pan. At this point in time before I told her she considered me a really good friend. I didn't really like her because she was a lot of the time saying rude and horrible things such as anyone who likes someone of the same sex should just be put in jail. I didn't physically hear her saying this stuff that often, but when I did, it was relly bad and really hurt me. 
          At this time, I went to a Catholic school. My teacher overheard me say that I was pan, and she sent me to the school's guidance counselor and my parents were called.
          My parents accepted me, and decided to have me switch school's because they didn't agree with what had taken place.


@CarlaWasHere They really helped me, and I am so glad they are so supportive with me through everything that had happened. (Fun fact:'with' auto corrected to 'worm')


Hey! :)
          I don't mean to be any bother but would you mind checking out my book? It's called 'Forever Mine' & it's quite a drama filled romance! 
          I would appreciate & be forever grateful for any tiny bit of support! Of course you're not obligated to - only if you really like it.
          Thank you so much in advance & have a nice day x


Laurence: (You met in high school)
          I was walking down the halls of the school and I got lost... again
          You'd think I'd know where to go at this point..but I don't. 
          "Ugh! I give up!" I exclaimed sitting on the ground.
          "Is something wrong?" A beautiful voice asked.
          "I can't find my class...again" I replied not looking up
          "What's the room number?" He asked.
          "It's ro-" I started as I looked up. He's really cute! I thought as my face grew warm.
          He chuckled. "Don't tell me that you're falling for my good looks." He said 
          "N-no! I'm not.." I started my face becoming redder. "I just umm...." I said looking for an excuse.
          "It's ok, I was only kidding. I'm Laurence by the way!" Laurence said offering his hand out to help me up.
          I took his hand and he pulled me up. 
          "Now what room are you looking for?" Laurence asked kindly
          "Room 209." I said shyly 
          "Oh, it's right around the corner. Follow me!" Laurence said
          We walked around the corner and he led me to a room right next to the corner.
          "You're kidding me! I walked by here like FIVE times!!" I exclaimed
          He chuckled.
          "Oh! I'm Y/n!" I said realizing I'd never said my name.
          "It's nice to meet you Y/n! Here's my number. Maybe we can text later." Laurence said winking before turning to leave
          "Bye!" I said walking into the classroom
          I was writing my Boyfriend Scenarios and thought you want to read this one


The rest of the Scenarios are almost done, the book will be out soon


@ZanechanandAarmau *notifications. 
            Also, thank you so much for making this!!!


Thanks for adding my book to your reading list!!


Yay! Hope you like it!


@ZanechanandAarmau I freaking love Zane, so when I saw your link to the book I was like "YES, I NEEDED THIS IN ME LIFEU"


This is just me ranting, but what is up with people? I don't understand why people feel like they need to put others down, make them afraid of something (I'm speaking about something in particular), or play with their feelings. I just don't understand it! Like, I get that you are insecure, but ya don't have to hurt others physically and/or mentally. People out there are seriously getting hurt because of things like depression, anxiety, and other things. If you are insecure about something, don't take it out on others! Talk to someone. Don't hurt others just for a challenge on YouTube! Dude!  Like seriously. No more of that s***, 'kay?