
          	I’m currently sitting down to continue OFTT. Feedback from anyone who read LAF and what has been published of OFTT, as well as anything else I’ve written. 
          	These are also available on under APurpleArcher, if you’d like to find them, like them, and leave a review there!
          	As for Bree’s spin-off, I hope to start chapter one soon!!


          I’m currently sitting down to continue OFTT. Feedback from anyone who read LAF and what has been published of OFTT, as well as anything else I’ve written. 
          These are also available on under APurpleArcher, if you’d like to find them, like them, and leave a review there!
          As for Bree’s spin-off, I hope to start chapter one soon!!


Sooooo I’m back! The things I was going through—when I was in and out of here—have been resolved. So, I’ll be updating OFTT and uploading a new story, based in the Twilight universe, spinning off of Eclipse, if Bree Tanner never died again. 
          Also, I’m not sure why I’m posting these bc no one reads them lol but oh well, it’s alright lol
          Note for OFTT: The main reason I haven’t updated is because of plot… But I think I have a better idea of where we’re going, so I’ll be able to add more to it soon I hope. 
          Have a merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone who celebrates! If you celebrate a holiday I don’t mention, I hope they go well.


Sup fools. I think I'm ready to come back, but I don't know. I'm getting better in an emotional and mental standpoint, but my physical health isn't what I'd like it to be. But it's ok bc I'm gonna get back on track this summer!! Lmk if you've enjoyed Lost and Found so far, or what else you'd like to see as far as V's character goes. I may also do a profile glo up, so be warned. Lmk if you want me to keep posting OftT on here too, I got chapter 3 done and it's up on Fanfic rn. 
          Communication with my followers is key so plz tell me what you do and don't like about my stories, anything helps!! 
          See y'all in a minute, maybe.


I’m leaving. Not because of any one person here, but just bc of mental crap. My stories will remain here, but not updated. However, they will be moved and continued on to under my user, APurpleArcher. I’m not leaving bc of anything super major like su!cide or stuff like that, I just keep looking for one specific thing here and it isn’t good for my mental health so I need to leave. Goodbye, Wattpad. See you on the other side. 


Lol so this is on Fanfiction.Net now, I’d love a review from anyone who’s read it or currently reading!! The sequel is also up there too, still incomplete. Thanks for reading!! My other stories will move soon I hope.