Thanks so much for following me! I promise to provide the best material I possibly can!
And it's always nice to see another BTS fan~~
I hope you have an amazing day. (:
Does anyone else have this thought of where they just feel like sitting down in the middle of a room listening to a song and crying a bit just to get it out just to feel a bit better
Hey guys text me if you want to join me and my friends in the writing of Descending we will read your work to make our decision on which one of you will work with us
Got some real not online books today *Gasp* they are called girl nearly 16 absolute torture, if we ever break up this is my book, haters,and cause it's never to early to think about college the last book is called It's ok if you're clueless and 23 more tips for the college bound
hey i just made a new book got the idea from @Belladrowned69 so cheak her out and keep reading the book i just want to see if you like it cause i just want some feedback to know what to change in the book to make it better