Guys. I think we can agree that nobodies going to make another empire or republic again in star wars. at least not a empire or republic that's close to the prievous empires and republics. in the last millenia in star wars a republic has formed into a empire after the republic nearly fell apart. the empire died. another republic was made. the republic was killed. another empire rose, the new empire died. all of that must have killed billions of people. and I think the entire galaxy would agree that "shoot. we aint going through that again" and I think that people would agree that "nobodys going to be the single power in the galaxy again. we all see where that gets us" so I think now. star wars would enter a age of..... reconstruction. a time where instead of trying to become the sole power several goverments try to become powers but not 'the' power. like the nations today sure there are some superpowers (looks at china, usa, Russia, India, and france) but noone can say "we could beat you all" despite the fact that there really powerful.
So yeah. and for the argument "the resistance would form a republic and people would join it" yeah. I don't think so. not to be rude or call yall stupid but people have seen exactly what happens when a republic comes around. I doubt even the whole resistance would agree on forming a republic and the resistance would break into splinter groups only united by name I bet.
So yeah. Age of reconstruction people. think that's what we should do