whenever you feel depressed or you are under stress, whenever you feel low, try to search for the small reasons small moments that have brought a smile on your face, try to remember them, try to smile once a day, don't ever say that you don't have a reason to smile because life does give us some things to be happy about, we just need to recognise, learn to recognise what makes you smile the most, learn to overpower sadness, learn to overpower the hate, try to keep away from the negativities, surround yourself with positivity, keep your dreams in your mind and keep trying harder till you reach your goal, achievement of a particular goal ain't impossible but it does come along with certain difficulties, difficulties which tend to test your patience, to test your capability. You may fail not once but several times, but love don't give up, these minute failures are those that constitute success easy success is not satisfactory, but the success you achieve by overpowering the obstacles are the ones that provide true satisfaction, but keep in mind never degrade yourself in any manner, never think low of yourself, never compare yourself to anyone cause that initiates the feeling of negativity, maybe at times, these negativities will surround you, you may end up losing confidence in yourself, at that time trust the people who have actually stuck up to u and truly loved you for who you are and believe me nothing will seem impossible at that particular moment.