Wow it's been a long time. I miss writing and all the people I met on here so so much. I've been going through a lot of things and I graduated! So yay! But I've recently been getting the immense urge to start writing again so I'm thinking about continuing my stories. If I do then I will probably take the chapters down and rewrite parts of them just because I'm really not happy with the way they turned out when I go back to read them. I will leave Twilight alone but the rest will probably be changed atleast a little bit. I'm not sure how long it will take (probably not very long tbh), but I'm not sure if people would even be interested in me continuing any of the stories. I'm not even sure if people will read this lol. I guess I will start editing and see if people have an opinion. If you read this, which would you prefer? Me to re-edit and continue my existing stories or would you rather me just start a new series?

@ATinyStay alright that sounds awesome! Take as much time as you need, no pressure!

@ViarrahSensei I think thats what I'm going to do. It's probably going to take a bit because I plan to unpublish and rewrite them to fix what I didn't like about them. I'm in the process of writing a chapter for one of them now. I'm probably going to keep the same basic story scenes but I will change them to make them less cringey lol. Hopefully I can finish them soon!

@ATinyStay I'd love it of you could continue your existing stories, but it's up to you and what you want to do atm!