
New chapter was published yesterday and I also updated the introduction chapter with Holden and Heather’s playlists’ <3 :) 


Hey girlyy, your book Meant To Be is my favorite Christian romance book on here I've ever read not even joking!! ❤️ I was wondering when there will be an update because it's been a few months? Jesus bless and be with you, hope everything is okay!! <3


@ATorressss113 So happy to hear from you!! Great to hear that everything's okay and you just got a little busy :) can't wait to see more of this book and your plans for it--- hope college goes well and is a huge blessing!! God bless you! ✝️


@JesusGuidesMyStory I'm so glad you've enjoyed the book! I have been a little busy with college but I WILL be editing a chapter i've written and will publish pretty soon!


College is really colleging (which means I’m extra busy with school work) so there won’t be any story updates this week. I will try to get at least one chapter up next week but I won’t make any promises! Thanks so much for all of you who are taking time to read my story and for those are who are placing it in their tbr! 
          I still DO have so many plans for this book so hang on there! 
          P.S. I love you but Jesus loves you more! 


Hi, I’ve been confused lately til I saw your account and many others who are Christian as well as me. How do you feel about smut? Like is it something you read or skip over because I am genuinely get confused. 


@xluuvx Hi! So nice to hear your reading my story! About your question. I am happy to respond with my opinion on the subject. So as a recent Christian I have taken the decision to strictly keep away from any smutty books, just because it sort of feels wrong for me to read lol. I even went as far as to delete a few stories I've written on here because I just felt they didn't glorify the Lord. So to put it in little words I don't like reading smutty books anymore because it doesn't make me comfortable anymore. It's sort of like reading p**n in a way. I would personally recommend to not read it, but then again it is your choice!


          The ancient book of Ruth is reimagined, through my eyes and maybe you'd be interested to see the way I envision it.✨❤️
          ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 
          Ruth, a Moabite women, rejected by her own, after a certain incident, quietly searches for the comfort of true love but in every man's eyes and arms, there is no ease or truth or love until she meets Boaz...
          But before that, it's downhill through the terrains and pain of life. Losing her loved ones, marrying a man, and entering into a unfruitful marriage that lasts a decade and so much more.
          Through it all Ruth finds that the love she desires has always been pouring out of her heart, given to those around her. It's always been waiting in the country Israel for her to know and learn of the name Yahweh.✨
          The desire of love is engraved in every heart, but for others it burns and longs, alot more deeper, bleeding open and leaving scars.