Besok sun tak sure kalau sun akan publish new chap sbb besok sun kind of busy, tpi insya Allah kalau chap 31 dah siap, sun akan publish tapi kalau belum maybe on thursday baru publish chap baru sebab on tuesday sun busy rehearsal graduate and uruskan university lepastu on wednesday sun graduate so insya Allah on thursday ada chap baru. Tapi kalau sun rajin sangat2 on tuesday ada chap baru
Btw sorry tau kalau ceta PH tu tak seronok sangat sebab sun first time buat ceta malay so kind of rusty and dont put on high hopes on DIA (Dia Isteri Aku!) sbb tu pun the very first time sun buat in malay tu pun still kind of rusty and berterabur malay sun.
Anyways thank you for reading PH walaupun sun tahu ia kind of uhm confusing and laju tapi yeaaa lepas habis je PH, sun akan cuba edit mana yg patut and sun akan publish DIA after PH complete