
I'm sick now so I'll write something when I'm better, it's a bet that I'm giving myself :P


Hi there! Thank you so much for the follow! Hope you find something you like :)


Hey ! Man you sure are quick on the click xD
            No worries, always a pleasure to follow writers that seem to have written great books with their soul and not some other crap ;)
            Haven't started your book yet but I'll keep you posted of course ^^
            A great day to you =)


@BlackSpiritWolf  Hey man, I know we've never met and all but I just saw your post and thought I should give my opinion if you don't mind ^^
          Anyway, great stuff first that your looking for (or found) an editor, means you really like writing and that it's more than just basic " fun " 
          Then I beleive you can't ask the community or anyone to choose or even to help you much on the title of your new story/book if you don't give a little more information than just << zombies >>, you see my meaning xD 
          Good luck on the road that's unfolding in front of you,


@AVAreader33 thanks for the reply I actually intent to continue writing but I have such terrible editing skills I kinda neglected trying. and if needed I can send you a small bit I have been working on if you'd like to know more. 