Ok so im thinking of writing a book abt a soulmate AU with Dr.Strange, Tony, Logan(wolverine) and reader. What do you think?


Like a soulmate AU where the reader has 3 soulmates, is in the X-men, and finds oit her other two soulmate are in the avengers. Thats what im thinking


Ok so im thinking of writing a book abt a soulmate AU with Dr.Strange, Tony, Logan(wolverine) and reader. What do you think?


Like a soulmate AU where the reader has 3 soulmates, is in the X-men, and finds oit her other two soulmate are in the avengers. Thats what im thinking


this message may be offensive
Dear bullies,
          The boy you made fun of today in class? He kiiled himself afew minutes ago. That girl you called dumb? She has dyslexia. That girl you called fat? Shes starving herself. The woman you called bald? She has cancer. That kid you called bald? He has cancer too. That man you laughed at for having scars on his face? He fought for the country.  The little boy you punched in the hallway? He is already being abused at home. The kid you called retarded for being in a wheelchair? He saved the life of a four year old. The boy you laughed at for crying? His mother died in the hospital. You think you know them? Wrong. 97% of you will ignore this and the 3% who dont, repost this if you have a heart. @OfficialSteveRodgers