
this message may be offensive
I AM SO FUCKING LIVID RIGHT NOW. I wasn't aware that Wattpad could delete my story if I violated any of their content guidelines without them notifying me. I woke up to a lovely surprise! My entire Harry Imagines book I was working on since 2015 has been deleted. That's right. All of them are gone & I didn't get a chance to back any of them up. I am going to come back & write what I can remember because I was really fucking proud of those...and now I'm really fucking crushed & heartbroken that all my hard work is gone.


@HazButterfly92 I am so sorry. I didnt know it was deleted & its gone. 


I’ve got that book still in my library and can still read it ‍♀️


Hey! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my new book called “ignited” it’s about a Dictator’s son ;) I would honestly love it if you could also give me your most honest opinion about it x thank you xx


this message may be offensive
I AM SO FUCKING LIVID RIGHT NOW. I wasn't aware that Wattpad could delete my story if I violated any of their content guidelines without them notifying me. I woke up to a lovely surprise! My entire Harry Imagines book I was working on since 2015 has been deleted. That's right. All of them are gone & I didn't get a chance to back any of them up. I am going to come back & write what I can remember because I was really fucking proud of those...and now I'm really fucking crushed & heartbroken that all my hard work is gone.


@HazButterfly92 I am so sorry. I didnt know it was deleted & its gone. 


I’ve got that book still in my library and can still read it ‍♀️


Hi, all my Hellions! I'm just posting this little notice for you! My pictures in my Imagine book have been flagged as inappropriate. According to the guidelines put in place by the site, I am the only one who can see the original image, but as readers (whether you follow me or not) you will not be able to see the sexual images I used. I know that some of you didn't really care for them & that's fine! To each their own. I don't care either way. I don't, however, know if it was flagged because someone reported me. If that's the case, I am kindly asking the person to private message me so we can talk about this because I don't appreciate it. I am well aware that the images I choose to use are crude & often times downright filthy. But I have also given ample warnings to not proceed ahead if you were bothered by anything I posted.


@HazButterfly92 that’s just rude whoever did that!! Your imagine book is amazing and clearly some people are too stupid to read the warnings!!


Hi everyone! I am working hard on a new imagine as we speak! I have 2 or 3 in mind for the next ones. Your enthusiasm & asking me to update makes me work harder & I hope I make you all proud! In between writing, I LOVE to read other works on here. I have spent 3 nights in a row up past 1 or 2 AM my time finishing a book after starting it 6 to 8 hours prior. I am lucky to get so many uninterrupted hours of just reading. If any of you are reading my fanfic 'Bright', I will be posting the final chapter soon so I can start on the 3rd & final book! I have SO many more fanfics in mind, but I am someone who firmly believes that I need to finish what I start before I get too many unfinished projects going. So, keep your eyes open! 
          Do any of you want me to set up an update schedule? My updating is erratic right now because I write when Im inspired & update the same way. Please let me know what you think! 


After writing the 3rd part to this imagine, Im thinking I may need to go to church, read the Bible, douse myself in Holy Water, REPENT. Because God damn...this part of the imagine is the dirtiest thing Ive written. EVER. Ive been writing smut for more than 12 years, nothing gets to me. I made myself blush, guys. Youre welcome. 
          I have also decided to refer to all my readers/fans as "Hellions" because I love it & after the things Ive written for yall, Im absolutely going straight to Hell. 


this message may be offensive
Guys...Thanksgiving was a disaster with my family. Im about to tell you a story so prepare yourself. 
          I have a cousin thats the same age as me (26). His dad is my moms brother, but he lives with his mom & grandparents & we dont see him often. His name is Fred. Fred has autism & my whole family is super overprotective of him. My uncle Scott (Freds dad) doesnt like Fred or Freds mom or his grandparents. So today at dinner, 12 of us are eating & saying what we are thankful for. My uncle Scott looks at Fred & says "So has your mom or your grandparents died yet?" And the whole fucking table went dead silent. And of course Fred says no, theyre doing fine. And my fucking Uncle Scott says "Then I have nothing to be grateful for this year." Oh. My. God. I literally thought my Papa (my mom & Scotts dad) was going to stab Scott & ask us to help bury him in the yard. And oh fuck, if you could have seen the look on Freds face. My heart shattered & Fred doesnt hardly cry, ever. Its because of the autism. Anyway, he literally bursts into tears & he APOLOGIZED for loving both sides of his family. My aunts took him to another room to calm down & my Papa ripped Scott a new one right there. He told him that my grandma would be so ashamed of him if she were alive because they didnt raise him that way & she would never let anyone talk to her grandchildren that way in her house. She would have smacked him, no doubt. And my Papa told him that if he ever spoke to Fred like that again in his house, Scott could leave. And my Uncle had the fucking nerve to tell my Papa "Well Fred knew I was an asshole before he came out here." I honest to God thought my Papa was going to murder his own son. It was awful. Ive NEVER been so grateful for a family gathering to end so soon. 
          Im hoping all my fellow Americans had a wonderful Thanksgiving, though! 


OH. I also forgot to mention a few things! 
          I have 6, yes 6, 1D fanfics that I plan to write. And that does include the one I've already got started on here. (Bright) They're going to be really great. I am going to create a schedule so I can start the next one while I keep updating the current one. I wanted to originally do just one at a time, but I know that if I keep doing that, none of them will ever get done. So, if I can keep up with at least 2 at once, it'll go much faster. Plus, a variety is always nice! That's what I forgot to say Lol! I will be posting the schedule either tonight or tomorrow sometime!