
I'm here to say some stuffs! First off; your writing style is amazing. It's detailed and plain mixed together, which I find hard to do. I adore your writing, it's amazing! Purely amazing! Even more than that! And even MORE than that! 
          My second thing I wanted to mention is your art. Your style is awesome, and you know how to draw so many different things and making it turn out fabulously. Just like you! Your a professional artist in my eyes, and forever will be :>. 
          Third, I wanted to say thank you! Thank you for being such a cool person and willing to write your books and do your art. I really just wanted to say thank you, heh. 
          And everything I typed/said/mentioned is all true! And no, I didn't copy and paste this and put it from account to account or something. That's mean and I don't do that to people. All of it was typed from my (freezing to death because my parents wON'T TURN ON THE HEATER) thumbs/fingers. Hehe. 
          bye! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ