im busting

wake upppp


wait so your telling me slime and mariana CANONICALLY HAD S3X 3 FREAKING TIMES????????

THOMAS AND HIS FRIENDSSSS /lyr ( I don't Know why Do I write this here- )

im feelin a lil silly! (writes the whole entire summary of fred and tubbos friendship) Tubbo was the islander who first gave Fred his name and was the first to properly initiate any sort of relationship (first platonic now romantic) with Fred. The two frequently send each other letters, regularly accompanied by flowers that they use to communicate via flower language, which they first left at a bench and then upgraded to a little post-box near spawn. Through these letters, Tubbo formed a closer friendship with Fred and began to develop a crush on him. Whenever Fred visited him, his day was brightened and eventually Fred asked him out on a date. He happily accepted and waited eagerly for Fred to pick him up but was disappointed when Fred never came. He soon found out that Quackity had kidnapped Fred and so he vowed to search for Fred until he was found, and in the meantime he would make Quackity's life a living hell showing his protective nature over Fred.

@A_CL0CK ---On the 14th of October, Tubbo received a letter from Fred, asking him out on a date. Tubbo was overjoyed to learn that Fred’s feelings towards Tubbo were romantic and his feelings were finally reciprocated. Tubbo excitedly agreed and spent the next several hours preparing for date, gathering flowers, wine and putting on a suit. When Fred didn't turn up Tubbo became worried that he had been stood up, but still held hope that Fred would eventually come and pick him up. However, instead Quackity showed up and interrogated Tubbo with false images of him and Fred and read the letters Tubbo had sent to Fred aloud. Tubbo remained calm through this entire conversation, even when presented with a book signed by Fred that was supposedly Fred’s ‘confession’ that he and Tubbo work for the Federation together. Tubbo immediately realised that it wasn't a real confession based on the way it was written. Quackity left, telling Tubbo that he wouldn’t ever see Fred again. Tubbo did immediately went to investigate the letter box where he found nothing, and Quackity's House where he dug down to the Federation style building that Quackity had made where he found a room with photos of Tubbo and Fred, but no Fred in sight.

@A_CL0CK ---After Tubbo had gotten to know Fred a little better and started flirting with him, he found out that Fred may be much older than him. This news made him distraught as he realised that he could be in love with a 50 year old. Fortunately this was resolved the day later when Fred left him a letter confirming that he was, in fact, 18-25. Tubbo was overjoyed at this news but this joy was quickly turned to heartbreak when he found that Fred did not reciprocate his feelings of romance. He tried to save their friendship by claiming what Bagi had said about him being in love with Fred was false but he was left distraught at the fact his love was unrequited. Since then, Tubbo had somewhat come to terms with his feelings being unrequited and tried to respect Fred's lack of romantic feelings towards him, but still tried to look for any signs or responses that may suggest something more. Watching a movie with Fred and labelling it as both two friends watching a movie or (he hoped) a date. While they were on the way to the The Theater, Tubbo learned that Fred had been kidnapped. Tubbo instantly got angry at whoever had done this to him and demanded to know who. Fred gestured to the wanted "Masked Man" posters which Tubbo assumes is Aypierre due to the shirt matching his, he swears to keep Fred safe whenever he is with him, and quietly vows that he will kill Pierre for hurting him. He also promised Fred that whenever they were with him, they didn't need to worry about it happening again as he would protect them although, he couldn't protect them as easily when they were apart.

----Tubbo met a Federation Worker that, after hearing he didn't have a name, he dubbed "Fred." They are on positive terms and Tubbo taught him what the word "friend" meant, Tubbo stating he liked him and stayed and asked him a couple questions about himself and the Federation. Later Fred started acting strangely and speaking in morse code, eventually giving Tubbo a secret message to meet him the next day, which scared Tubbo as he was worried he would be get killed or kidnapped. When the day arrived he went to spawn and after following the coordinates, he met Fred under Cucurucho's office with Roier and Charlie, who held them at gun point, but led them down a sewer under the wall and after arriving at the entrance of the maze told them to be quiet, and disappeared. Later reappearing in the maze when the trio would get lost, revealing the right direction to them. During the Maze, Tubbo got defensive and annoyed when Charlie kept flirting with Fred and hinted at liking him romantically. Another instance was when Fit and Pac caught him mid letter and teased that he was writing a love letter, which he again denied. After asking if Fred would like to go on a picnic with him, Fred thought he was asking him out and told him he didn't see him in a romantic way, which wasn't intentional on his part, placing their friendship in a semi-awkward position, but they quickly resolved this misunderstanding.

where them hoes with the mickey mouse ears at

hand over yur'oe spleen

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