
Haaaah! So,my mother and I finally got our protective masks delivered from Amazon and, being the weirdos that we are, decided to pair them up with our shower caps and prescription sunglasses. Took some pictures and laughed about how we'd make awesome bank robbers.
          	By the end of it all, I settled on a new profile picture: me dressed like an absolute nutter. Is it wrong that I want to go for a walk wearing that? :D
          	Ahem! In all seriousness, though, I hope everyone's staying safe and well. <333


Haaaah! So,my mother and I finally got our protective masks delivered from Amazon and, being the weirdos that we are, decided to pair them up with our shower caps and prescription sunglasses. Took some pictures and laughed about how we'd make awesome bank robbers.
          By the end of it all, I settled on a new profile picture: me dressed like an absolute nutter. Is it wrong that I want to go for a walk wearing that? :D
          Ahem! In all seriousness, though, I hope everyone's staying safe and well. <333


I'm literally 10 days away from turning 21 and I yet STILL get asked if I want a child ticket when travelling on the train.
          It's so disheartening... D':


@A_C_Douglas They're the ones asking, soooooo..... ;D


@Lyvectra Ah, if only I had the guts to do that xD


@A_C_Douglas Say yes!  Cheaper fares!


I've just updated my profile avatar to represent the fact that I shaved my head today. Time to embrace the (near) baldness! :D


Yes! Embrace the shortness! xD
            Honestly though, 3 inches is about as long as my hair gets now before it gets all thick and tangled, and I have to cut it. Sure, some people mistake me for a little boy sometimes, but I wouldn't change the short look for anything.


@A_C_Douglas ...bro
            I cut my hair to about 3 inches last Monday


*whistles inconspicuously* *sings* Where or where did my precious Lanceeeee go? Where or where did he go *embellished go* 
          Even though I know it’s for your sake and the book’s sake, MY PRECIOUS BABY


@A_C_Douglas *eats cookies* *nom nom nom* Well, I guess they do deserve a break ~ Can’t wait for their adventures to resurface in all their glory!! 


@thesongist Aw, it's okay! <33 *hands you a basket of freshly baked cookies* Just think about it like this: he and the rest of the story's cast are enjoying a (long overdue) break while I work on their new scripts :D


**Long post incoming**
          As writers, it's essential that we learn to be honest - not just with other people, but also with ourselves. If we find something wrong with our story, it's our job to fix it. If we feel like there's something lacking in our story, something that isn't giving us the feel we originally intended, then it's our responsibility to figure out where the problem lies.
          That's exactly what I've spent the past week doing. I've been reading through The Imperial Novice, making mental notes, and I've come to the conclusion that there are some major fundamental problems that need to be addressed. These includes tweaking the plot so that it makes more sense, changing some of the characters, and polishing the world-building aspects.
          So, until I've addressed these problems and implemented in their solutions, I'll be taking The Imperial Novice off of Wattpad. I'm so sorry to those of you who have been itching for an update, but I feel like, as a writer, this is something that has to be done.
          Plus, it'll give me an opportunity to sit back and finally catch up on the stories that have been sitting in my reading list. ( @azurehyn , @thesongist , I'm looking at you guys! :D)


@A_C_Douglas This video was oddly satisfying to watch XD


@azurehyn Funnily enough, the love-hate relationship you were describing is actually one of the main reasons why I decided to take the story down so I can really work on it :D
            Yes, the positive reception was just awe-inspiring, but it also gave way to frustration that came when I read the story myself, because there was a part of me that just thought, "This...just doesn't feel right."
            This video pretty much sums up how I was feeling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tno-7P3FhJ0


@A_C_Douglas I was literally just about to come and ask where The Imperial Novice went! But no worries, I'm glad you're taking the time to go over it and make sure it fits exactly how you want it to. Surprisingly, I find it takes guts to actually pull a story off of Wattpad once it's on here, and the fact that you did so to perfect The Imperial Novice is good, because it means you won't grow to have like, a sort of love-hate relationship with it, if you get what I mean? Love as in you like that it's getting reads and comments, but hate because it's not how YOU want it to be. In the end, what YOU feel is needed for the story is the most important thing to consider because it's YOUR story and you're the one writing it.
            In other news; your character's name is Lance. For the last 2 years I have been obsessively reading Klance fics (from Voltron: Legendary Defender. Klance is the ship name for Keith and Lance), and now I have a creeping feeling that whenever The Imperial Novice comes back, no matter how many times I'll probably need to re-read your Lance's physical description to know what he looks like...I'm probably going to be picturing VLD's Lance.
            Klance have completely overtaken my life, dude. Even when I hang my clothes out to try, I literally colour-code the begs to go red-blue-red-blue after Keith (red) and Lance's (blue) signifying colours.


Hi, everyone! :D
          I'm so sorry for my appalling lack of activity, it's just that life is currently like an opponent in a boxing ring, dealing continuous punches and what else have you. I tell you, if I could just falcon punch my troubles away, I'd be the happiest dork in the world.
          Anyway, that's not why I'm posting right now. I'd actually just like to give those of you who are interest a little update on what I've been doing for the past two months or so.
          1) I've been scouting the worldy widey web for creative writing contests so that I can formally introduce myself to the outside writing community and perhaps earn myself a little exposure (local magazines, that sort of thing).
          2) I've also started delving into the world of fanfiction, something I never thought I'd do. I mean, I used to think that fanfiction consisted entirely of cheesy romance stories between One Direction and Logan Paul (yes, really). But, it turns out you can write fanfiction about pretty much anything if it already exists.
          Plus, I've found it helps me whenever I'm struggling with writer's block, so that's a bonus.
          Anyway, there you have it. That's what I've been doing for the past few months.


@azurehyn Aww, thank you so much! <33 :D


@A_C_Douglas I used to think that about fanfiction too, but HOLY LORD FANFIC IS A BLOODY GIFT and it also really helps me with writing blocks and funks
            Gold luck with getting some exposure out there!  You totally deserve it


Holy Moses! I log onto Watttpad and I'm convinced that the website's only half-loaded because of the lack of orange colour. So I refresh the page, only to get the exact same result.
          Turns out I was looking at the website's new layout for the first time. I'm not gonna lie, I miss the orange header. It might be a while before I finally get used to this (I'm awful when it comes to changes, even trivial ones xD).


@A_C_Douglas I knooowww, I want it to come back!!! 


@azurehyn I totally agree with you there! Mind you, I'm probably being a tiny bit bias, since orange is my favourite colour xD
            Still, I miss it. It can't just walk out on us like that!


@A_C_Douglas SAME! I was so shook when I saw it, and i'm still not sure I like the new layout...the whole orange scheme was like such a specific trademark or something for Wattpad, and now it's just...gone. ;-;


As 2018 draws to a close, I'd like to take a moment to thank everybody for the love, appreciation and support they've shown during the past year or so. Some honorable mentions include (in no particular order) @BelitAm @azurehyn @Shilomarie and @thesongist . You've given me the strength and encouragement to keep going, to further improve my skills as a writer even when life isn't at its greatest. I don't know where I'd be without you <333 :D
          2019 marks the beginning of another year. Some of you might be preparing to embark on some new adventures, to embrace the experiences and fresh changes that they bring. Others might use the occasion to reattempt or improve on things that didn't quite go according to plan.  It doesn't matter how you choose to celebrate it, I just hope that 2019 is a brilliant year for you and your loved ones.
          Happy New Year, everyone! :)


@Shilomarie There's absolutely no need to apologise! :D You never know what life's going to throw at you. I'm just glad everything's okay where you are.


@A_C_Douglas You're a talented writer & deserve the support! I'm sorry for not being around for a while  - I can finally get back to Wattpad after dealing with some life issues that have finally been resolved.