
You ever just sit in silence, and then random thoughts of awkward or embarrassing moments come back to you? For example, I was on my phone today, editing, when I starting thinking about this VERY specific memory form school. I was talking to one of my friends, and was just talking about my ex and little cute things he’d did that just adorable to me, and then this girl, who we weren’t even talking to, just starting talking to me. Saying something like “it doesn’t sound like you have a crush on him, more like you wanna BE him” lol, I just remember staring at her and staying silent cause how am I supposed to respond to that 


Oof I think the girl has more traumas about that specific situation than you and your friend 


It was so awkward cause me and my friend both just nervously laughed and we stopped talking, cause howww were we supposed to reply to that lol T-T


Hey, Ari. I am also a potterhead and a pjo fan. Love ur book here. Do you post on tumblr ? U absolutely should. So do I


You're Welcome. I think I followed you there. I have the same username there too


@potterhead5avi I’m posting on tumblr now lol, same username just no undedashes


@potterhead5avi I’ll try to post on Tumblr, I don’t know though. Thank you! 


You ever just sit in silence, and then random thoughts of awkward or embarrassing moments come back to you? For example, I was on my phone today, editing, when I starting thinking about this VERY specific memory form school. I was talking to one of my friends, and was just talking about my ex and little cute things he’d did that just adorable to me, and then this girl, who we weren’t even talking to, just starting talking to me. Saying something like “it doesn’t sound like you have a crush on him, more like you wanna BE him” lol, I just remember staring at her and staying silent cause how am I supposed to respond to that 


Oof I think the girl has more traumas about that specific situation than you and your friend 


It was so awkward cause me and my friend both just nervously laughed and we stopped talking, cause howww were we supposed to reply to that lol T-T