Four more days of CHC Scavenger hunt game play, now let’s make the most of it!
A new task will be released once a day on the community message board for the next fourteen days. However, the first task is provided at the end of this chapter.
Once you’ve completed that day’s task/clue you have to tag the community account to ensure we receive your answer. If you do not tag there is a possibility your answer will not be seen.
Your first task is two community drachmas, but after that each task is equivalent to one community drachma.
Tasks can be done in any order you wish, but can only be done once per game.
You are obliged to follow us on Wattpad to play. If you are not following when I go to check you will not receive your prizes.
You can only play through your main Wattpad account. No backup, alt, or shared accounts are allowed to participate.
You do not have to do every task, just the ones you want to take on. Some tasks are off site while others are strictly based on this account. Some are even hidden in the Riordanverse books themselves!
Some tasks are extremely vague while others tell you exactly what is needed, so don’t over complicate clues and tasks.
Do not intentionally copy other players' answers! There are plenty of answers to tasks/clues to go around!
Tasks can be completed in any order you wish.
All tasks must be completed by December 30th, 2024. Afterwards no community drachmas will be disputed.
We all hate HOO Chapter Titles- today it’s YOUR job to pick a chapter and give it a classic PJO title
Tell us what CHC cabin you’d live in then write a description of what your cabin looks like in your mind!