So, I don't know who cares, but I am changing my release plans a bit.
I figured that posting chapter after chapter is pretty stupid, especially considering I only begin polishing the chapters after I've released them, so I've devised a different approach to this.
I will, firstly, begin the Fazbear Funtime Co. series from the very first installment, to keep the continuity going, as a lot of Tim's and Mike's story, that is crucial to their relationship and personality, is revelaed in earlier parts that I have skiped. Currently I have Insecurity, the third part posted, so I will firstly write and publish the two parts before that, before getting back on Insecurity.
Second, I will only post fully finished stories, with all chapters, fully polished etc. Uh, not always with a cover tho, as it is hard for me to commission artists for them and I lack the talent to create most of them myself.
So, that's all I wanted to say, so don't confuse my lack of posting as me giving up on writing, i'm just changing up my plans.
Have a good one guys and see ya.