
I hope everybody is having a Merry Christmas!! 


          I launched a new chapter of the story today. But Wattpad, as usual, didn't notify anyone (damn Wattpad!!)


@AkiraGx007 Aye thx for letting me know man I’m hyped to read more!!
            (And yeah Wattpad is literally getting worse and worse by the day like who is running this sh!t man, I checked the recent announcements from different authors and saw that this is happening to seemingly everybody right now… what a piece of junk of an app…)


Hey, I wanted to stop by and say thanks for checking it my Overlord Book. I know it’s not perfect, far from it but I still appreciate you giving it a chance. 
          I also just want to say that I seriously enjoy reading your comments. Whether they be your thoughts on a specific moment and everything else. I hope you’ve enjoyed what I’ve written so far and thanks again for checking it out :)


@Mommy_Connoisseur Yeah of course man!! Although some moments/scenes could be clarified a bit more as you have told me before overall I have definitely been enjoying your book a lot!! It has a lot of potential and I’m curious to see how it continues and what you for with the story for season 2 and beyond!! So I appreciate you for taking the time to write and make this book in the first place just as much as you appreciate me for reading it : )


Hello? This is supposed to be the part where you should reply “Yes, can I help you?” Does it suffice?


and brush away all the insults towards him, he won’t stand it when others getting that treatment.


@A_EmptyEntity I see, well if Asta were to get transported to Lugunica, I don’t think he’ll handle it when Emilia gets insulted because of her lineage, as it’ll remind him of all the times when peasants getting insulted and rediculed by royals and nobles just for being peasants and having lower magic powers and how inferior (including himself for not having magic) they are and even the times when Noelle was insulted by her own family. While he can ignore 


@XenohartZ0 No I haven’t, I have read the manga though. Couldn’t stand the beginning the of the anime, and honestly I don’t really like the beginning of Black Clover in general, WAY too bland for my liking. But it does get pretty good halfway through and beyond. 