
Hello my dearest readers,
          	This is gonna be long so please bare with me. I am very very sorry that I have not been updating these past few weeks, but I have had a lot going on in my life. My daughters birthday was March 2nd, and her party was March 5th. My family and I just moved into a new house March 8th. And sadly, a very close friend of mine passed away March 25th due to suicide, and his funeral is being held tomorrow. I am taking a little bit of time to adjust to all these things that have effected my life enormously, and I hope you can all understand that. I'm not leaving. I will finish all the books I have started, dont you worry about that, but in order for my stories to be good I have to have a good mindset, which right now I am very very far from. Once I feel as though I can continue my writing, I will begin to update again.
          	Thank you all, and much love❤


Hello my dearest readers,
          This is gonna be long so please bare with me. I am very very sorry that I have not been updating these past few weeks, but I have had a lot going on in my life. My daughters birthday was March 2nd, and her party was March 5th. My family and I just moved into a new house March 8th. And sadly, a very close friend of mine passed away March 25th due to suicide, and his funeral is being held tomorrow. I am taking a little bit of time to adjust to all these things that have effected my life enormously, and I hope you can all understand that. I'm not leaving. I will finish all the books I have started, dont you worry about that, but in order for my stories to be good I have to have a good mindset, which right now I am very very far from. Once I feel as though I can continue my writing, I will begin to update again.
          Thank you all, and much love❤


Hey everyone! Sorry that I kinda disappeared for a while. I have been taking care of my daughter and writing just slipped my mind a little bit. I hope to stay on track for a little bit once the holidays go by and the new years starts I wanna update at least once a week on a few stories per day. Thanks for understanding. I love youxx


Hey everybody. All of my writing is gonna be on hold for a little bit. A very good friend of mine commited suicide last night. I need some alone time to cope with everything, no one wants to get a call about a dear friend like that. I haven't slept and I haven't eaten anything since I found out what he did. Im gonna try and get some help for myself. I hope you all understand. Thank you.


Hi friends :) I am wor king in getting an update schedule together. However, for those of you who don't know, I am just a few short weeks away from giving birth to a baby girl. I will do as much as I can to keep updating when I can. I hope you understand! Much love munchkins <3