Alright. This may be the only time I've ever considered quitting writing here on wattpad, but I can assure you I'll be sobbing myself to sleep for the next 8 months. [VENT POST] You guys may know that I live with my grandparents, if not, now you do. They argue a lot, and the only argument that I can think of that's ever been this bad my grandpa stayed at a friend's for two days. Because of this fight my grandma is officially moving out and divorcing my grandpa. This is the worst I've ever felt in my entire life. I know that I've tried to kill myself before, but I wasn't in nearly as bad of a condition then I am now. I've been sobbing to myself for the past hour and I font think I'll stop until I pass out. (Part 1)

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@mylenajamie All because of a stupid fucking birthday present. I won't ever think of their birthdays or even my own as a happy day ever again, because someone's birthday present caused my entire family to fall apart in three hours. I'm going to have to stay with my mom and her shitty ass husband for a while, and my younger brother, who's only seven, will have to go back to her house aswell from visiting us. The two foster siblings (three and five) that are staying with us under my grandma's care will have to leave. They've grown so emotionally attacked to us that I don't think they'll ever recover from those abandonment issues. I'm also worried they might be put in a bad home. I love them so much as if they might as well be my own kids, they even call me mom as a habit sometimes because I respond to it. This is going going be the downfall to my entire family, because my grandpa never even wanted kids after the first three, (my uncles) so my mom wasn't even wanted. He won't keep in touch with her, and probably probably not contact me. I love him and my family it'll be so hard to see him go. He doesn't have contact with any of my other immediate uncles or aunt, so I won't be able to ever see him there. I'm worried he might have another heart attack because of stress or dive further into his alcoholism and smoking that he might die of either of those. I'm the oldest of my generation. First grandkid, nephew, cousin, ect, which puts all the pressure on my to try to fix it, or be someone's support because I'm mature enough to understand it. My family is falling apart and i'm expected to fix it. But I don't know know to fix it. (Part 2)