
Chapter 1 of Befallen is officially out! Don't forget to comment what you think! Let me know your theories about what song I'm talking about in the chapter.


I know it's been a while. I'm very sorry. I have taken down all my previous works so I can do revisions as inspiration strikes. I'm not really happy with how they are sitting with the way they are. I apologize for the long hiatus. 
          I have started a new book that I am actively working on. With my ADHD I have to stick to a schedule, and without it my life kind of falls to shambles. So, I'm trying my best to write about an hour a night so I can post weekly and have time for revisions and rewrites before the chapter goes up. I am happy with how this new book is coming along and am excited to see how you guys react to it. 
          I will not make any promises. After all, with my history on here, it would be useless to do so. I have lost your trust in that aspect. I will not ask for forgiveness on that, I deserve whatever anger or frustration comes my way due to my past behavior.
          I have been going to therapy for the last couple years and am now medicated for the first time in my life. It's really been helping with my focus. One thing I've learned is how to take accountability for my actions. And that's what I'm going to due. 
          The one thing I will promise is that I will do all that I possible can to stick to my schedule and get these chapters out in a timely manner. Once this book is reaching it's end, I'll throw out some polls on here and Tumblr on some new story ideas or some throwback revisions to see what you guys want next. 
          Again, I am so sorry to everyone here. I hope you guys enjoy the new book and I'll see you guys with the new chapter tomorrow!


I know I'm not really active writing on here. I have no excuse, I know. I'm hoping to get back in my groove soon bc I have so many stories in my head but I don't want to start posting until I have at least 10 chapters written ahead just in case of writers block or another long hiatus. 
          But, that is not what this post is about. 
          This post is about the fact that I am SO MAD AT JUNGKOOK. Like, how dare he? How dare he keep me from a proper relationship? How dare he keep me from falling in love bc he has just RUINED ME for all other men like wtf???? 


Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait on kitten. I decided to pause uploading and just complete the story before I posted it. The completed Kitten should be up beginning of August! 
          Again, sorry for the wait. I hope you guys are as excited as I am for the full release