Hey y’all 
          	I’ve been gone for some time but I’ve decided to come back and let you all know that I’m alive with a new chapter!!


HEY YALL!! It’s the alt acc!!
          Sorry for not publishing on my HH x reader, I’ve been busy with school and baby sitting (shout out to the sweetest little Angel and his Angel mom who are not on Wattpad but are the one of the best people ever)
          Anyways, yeah, I’ve been busy, I’ve had friends over I’ve been baby sitting every weekend for 3 weekends straight, uhm, I’m also kinda sick right now, but I think (?) I’m getting better.
          I’m also busy ALL weekend this weekend
          I have my sisters baby shower to go to today and then tomorrow I’m going to my pookies mean girls musical jr play, so that’s fun :]
          (I might not be able to go tho)
          But anyways, I’ll have plenty of time to work on the next chapter or two and get it published by Monday because motivation is at an all time low right now but I’ll get to it as soon as possible I promise I’ll have it in by Monday I swear trust 
          Anyways, this is me saying goodbye, and I hope you all are doing well! 


Not me two months later JUST publishing the ninth chapter 


Hi! I will be changing the cover for the KiriBaku x Listener Fantasy AU that is inspired by YUZUYA.
          Because the cover and story ISNT by Alexis, the inspiration is by Alex/me, and the plot is actually created by YUZUYA if you haven’t read the story already.
          So the cover will change because I am not comfortable in using “Alexis” as my name since I do not go by she/her pronouns now. I go by they/them so please respect that and use them. And please call me Alex, and not Alexis. Thank you

