
Hi. I’m not sure if anyone reads my messages on the message boards… uhm y’all don’t… BUT!
          	I am going to apologize for deleting my books. I’m not really a fan of my writing… tbh kinda never was. I did love ranting and I think that was the only good that came from the books. I can explain why I deleted the Chapter 13 preferences. I just… I wrote some things a bit too dramatic for the heck of it and obviously I regret it. Other than that, they are completely different people from when I first wrote it and some things just don’t align as much as it did. I did say I left the fandom… ish. I am now back in the fandom, but I also am starting on some music thingsss so yah. I will do Chapter 13 related content on my rant book and maybe one shot ideas or imagined like what if blah blah blah if I ever get into that state again. I can give you guys a lil catch up on there as well. So yah. Happy 2022!!


Hi. I’m not sure if anyone reads my messages on the message boards… uhm y’all don’t… BUT!
          I am going to apologize for deleting my books. I’m not really a fan of my writing… tbh kinda never was. I did love ranting and I think that was the only good that came from the books. I can explain why I deleted the Chapter 13 preferences. I just… I wrote some things a bit too dramatic for the heck of it and obviously I regret it. Other than that, they are completely different people from when I first wrote it and some things just don’t align as much as it did. I did say I left the fandom… ish. I am now back in the fandom, but I also am starting on some music thingsss so yah. I will do Chapter 13 related content on my rant book and maybe one shot ideas or imagined like what if blah blah blah if I ever get into that state again. I can give you guys a lil catch up on there as well. So yah. Happy 2022!!


Hey. Uhmmm I have been dead for a little while now and... frankly, I have not been avoiding this app. I just kinda fell out of the fandoms while doing school, but summer started a few days ago. I can’t start and go back to writing just yet though. I have to be resting for a little while. I will be putting up stuff in my rant book in the mean time. I have been getting into One Direction (sorry not sorry), but I won’t write anything much about them. Although, I will have a lot of rants up in the book, so if there are any directioners or people who just listen to music (cuz it’s mostly music related), I would highly recommend giving it a read when I start putting up stuff. That’s it. Bye!


OK! I have been ranting here, but I have something to announce like talaga. PLEASE I NEED A RESPONSE hehehe. This is about the Chapter 13 pref. Please either comment or reply here on what you want. I have something in my drafts, which is the BREAK UP SERIES. I need to know if you guys want me to post it all at once or one by one? Also, I'm running low on ideas. Also, do you want me to do the School of Rock oneshot with another Chapter 13 member, bway actor, or character? HELP WOULD BE GREAT :))


If I make a guitar solo be a duet between a violin and guitar... will that make sense or will that be chaotic? Hmmm at least I know that classical and rock can be mashed together (thanks to Queen). Should the pre chorus be legato or staccato? Should I rewrite it to be a duet? Will I be able to use t wah in this? Should the bass be more muddy? Should I stop talking to myself...?


GUYS! I have not called ya’ll strangers in a while so uhm... hi strangers!! I basically am going to rewrite a song into a duet, and make an AGED-UP one shot with someone for the School of Rock one shots. Please give me suggestions for who it is going to be. My interpretation of the song though may be wrong, but it’s late and I drank a lot of coffee, tea, and chocolate milk today, so that explains why. That was a run on sentence. Please also tell me if you’re uncomfortable with sex before marriage and having a child before marriage one shot (aged-up though), so I can stop myself from doing stoopid stuff. I will put disclaimers as soon as I can. Btw, I’m just happy with more music and I got an idea like late, so I said: this has musical potential if re-written into a duet. If ya’ll are interested in what it may sound like, just dm me so uhm yea. I won’t tell u the song until I post it so yea!! Hopefully, I’m allowed to do this kind because I don’t want to offend anyone or spark any random how did this happen dreams related to this concept. I need opinions plssss YAYYY THANK YOUU. 


I know no one ever reads my sht so I always like opening up on the message board. This one’s a bit whack tho.
          Can someone explain to me why I would stare at Zayn Malik’s butt if he is wearing a skirt, but if he is doing anything else not in a skirt, I don’t vibe?! Am I like Liam Payne where I get too fascinated with Veronica Malik? I need answers.
          Also, who has a lot of knowledge about vocals and sht? I need to rant my problems about that too.


@A_Peculiar_Nerd i have no idea about the butt thing what. i have some knowledge on vocals though


After recent events, I finally felt comfortable enough to get into things I was too shy or scared to get into. I haven’t fell into the hole of obsession, but it’s all fun. Definitely many things pulled me back, and the break from many people and the time I spent with my family helped. I like this break :))


I am literally writing sinful stuff... about Chapter 13... and they're actual human beings... Let's make one thing straight so I wont be in trouble.
          I AM NOT WRITING THEM. THIS COULD BE NOT THEM! I am writing more of the fanfic them...? If you really want to know what I think of them, you might have to go to my rant section instead. It's at the very end of the book. That's all my honest opinions about them. Some can change overtime though. I can publish more parts about my assumptions about them, but I'm not sure if you'd enjoy them. I just don't like it when people, which I am sometimes part of, forget that these guys are not fictional. They are actual HUMAN BEINGS. If we all get carried away, this could turn insulting when we know that fanfiction is literally a world of our own. I think the most respectful thing we could do is make these disclaimers to give Tom, Noah, Jake, and Jacob the decency they deserve.
          So I apologize, and I will put an actual disclaimer on the book as soon as possible. Also... do I have anything else to say? Oh yeah.


@A_Peculiar_Nerd don't worry about it. you have said multiple times it's your opinion and its not likely to be accurate. writers always get the blame for this when we are just expressing ourselves, we point it out but it's not our fault if someone is so delusional and believes the situation is happening or that what we write is how the boys act. it's for the book, they aren't gonna react the same way - if you've pointed it out as a writer, you've done your job,, its not your fault if they twist what you've written


Can I apologize of the way I write Jake and Jacob? Like I sometimes write the part for Jake and then I think that's him and when I read it I'm like: iS tHiS dRaCo MaLfOyYyYyYyYyyYyYyYyYYYyy?!?!?!
          And then when I write for Jacob, I don't care. I want him to be like a cute lil softie and I'm like: is this even Jacob?
          Guys, I need an honest opinion. Also, I'm supposed to be in a chat, but there's waiting to be done and it's been four minutes. AND MY HEART IS RACING! I AM SO EFFIN SCARED!!!!