
Hellooo people
          	Hum......yeah...so I'm started on the next Bobblemask update but I'm still writing. Hopefully, this won't be something that I say I'm gonna update but 6 years later I haven't updated. Nope. I hate those books *Ahem*.
          	Also I dicided I'm gender fluid so ye


Hellooo people
          Hum......yeah...so I'm started on the next Bobblemask update but I'm still writing. Hopefully, this won't be something that I say I'm gonna update but 6 years later I haven't updated. Nope. I hate those books *Ahem*.
          Also I dicided I'm gender fluid so ye


          Helloo people of the internet
          Recently I have been watching Stranger Things and apart from the jumpscares it is AWWSSOOME
          Anyways I think I'm taking a break from Wattpad, I am having a writer's block with my oneshots and I'm waiting for a response from the OC I put in my Bobblemask book if hey want to join the team. 
          So yeah
          Stay the freshest haha


I am thinking of doing a Bart x Milhouse (ik I'm wierd so you don't have to point it out) but I don't know cause with sounds to cheesy but I don't know and it is 3 am so my brain is telling me to sleep but I want to savor these moments and yeah.
          Idk why I jus tdif that but ok


            Yeah I did, I just don't know if I should I mean I have a plot and think about it 6 hrs a day (aka school) but idk and I figured it was cause it was 3Am.
            Thanks tho lol


@Full_MoonChan first you should sleep now or few minutes later. Then you can make that story 


Ok........wow.....The Bobblemask book has gone way longer than I thought and I'm glad we're at like....chapter .......uh.....I think 18? Idk lol. It is, the first book I have ever made, that has not been a thing I want to do then forget about the next day lol. I am now adding OCs to this book as I said in chapter 12 so if you commented on that chapter I will put you in the book but not all on the same chapter. If you have actually read this far, congratulations, you have wasted 3 minutes of your time on me blabbering about my book. Thank you people of the internet.


@Full_MoonChan nah. Wasting those times were so worth it for reading your stories 


Heya! I'm sanser123 but you can call me geno...p a l...anyway you're new right? Welp I see you have met my best friend Luna...so here's some advice...be mean to her and you are gonna have a bad time.


            That is what I ment


Oh um try using your phone


            What do I put in the search to see it?