
Update guys: she/he says they use too much purple prose in the bio, which means an excessive use of adjectives, metaphors, and similes(p.s that’s a bad thing). So, we can confirm that they were only pissy because they didn’t like the possibility of being wrong


Update guys: she/he says they use too much purple prose in the bio, which means an excessive use of adjectives, metaphors, and similes(p.s that’s a bad thing). So, we can confirm that they were only pissy because they didn’t like the possibility of being wrong


Also, another person decided to jump in and say that masking criticism with nice comments is not okay?!?! That’s literally just called being nice, but pop off sis. She also told me that just because I can’t read standard English doesn’t mean everybody else can’t. Assuming things like that is downright shitty, and the author should be telling that person not to be rude. I perfectly understood it all, but there is a thing called too much detail, and if you read the book, you will understand.


She/he also says that they know I didn’t mean to be rude. In fact, I complimented the book a lot in the convo, so I don’t understand why they are pissed when they said that the feedback is appreciated, and that they know I didn’t mean to be rude.


Also, @alderaans said that my comment would’ve been taken seriously if I had voted and commented before. I never vote on any book, and I don’t have to. Saying that my comment will only be taken seriously if I show constant support in every single paragraph of every single page is ridiculous, and petty. Plus she/he decided to block me right after that, just so I couldn’t say anything back. 


Hey guys! So @alderaans just blocked me because I VERY RESPECTFULLY told her that her book was amazing, and her metaphors were beautiful, but that there were so many that it was kind of hard to read through it. I also said that it’s okay if she doesn’t want my opinion. She/he told me if I don’t like it, don’t read it. I said, I do really like it, but I was just pointing it out in case that might be what’s stopping other readers from reading it too. I also said, that a lot of the best writers/influencers take opinions from the audience to better their work, but if you don’t want me to leave opinions, then that’s okay. She/he told me to stop being passive aggressive, and that my comment was rude (it wasn’t, but okay). I said that I was being 100% honest, but if you think that me being respectful while leaving my opinion/feedback is mean, then okay. She/he proceeded to tell me that I’m mean, and then blocked me, because they decided to be petty and shy away from any negative feedback instead of take it and apply it. Guys, if a reader is giving you feedback, it’s to help you, not to be an a$$hole. What you choose to do with it decides if you’re a good author or not. People who praise the good comments, and hate on the feedback/opinion comments are not writing the best they possibly can, because they’re not taking into account any kind of criticism.


She/he also that the feedback is nice, because they need help